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ARCH ENEMY mastermind Michael Amott (guitars) comments on the new album and the upcoming touring activities as follows:


"To all ARCH ENEMY fans! So how does it sound, you ask? Well, I am of the opinion that we have made the 'ultimate ARCH ENEMY album'! To me, this album sounds like the perfect mix of melody and brutality. This album is a an organic and honest statement from the band - it's pure f**king Metal at its absolute best, the ARCH ENEMY way.


Fredrik Nordström did a killer mix on the record – the sound is big and intense! This album has everything that ARCH ENEMY represents in my mind.

btw downloading

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Evo dva puta obrnuh album...prvi put mi i ne nesto legao, drugi put primecivah nove stvari...doduse prva stvar, koja mi je jos veliki trn, je Andjela, koja smara. Smara do zla boga. Uzasan vokal, nema nijedan pamtljiv vokalni deo... Cenim da su odradjeni ljudski vokali, ljudski u svakom smislu, da bi album bio jachi, rifferski je takodje osrednji do slab, najzanimljvije su melodije, finih delova ima..Last Enemy i Day You Died su, recimo, bolje pesme album..ali opet, od AE se ohladih nesto, a ovaj album me je jos vise ohladio...
moguce da smo slushali razlichite albume...clean vokali su identichni wages-u, sasvim zadovoljavajuce.vokali su od wagesa ka doomsdayu ishli sve vishe preko procesora, muzika je bila sve brza, klavijature su bile sve manje primjenjivane, sada na tyrantu imash vokale ako ne iste onda slichne wagesu, koji su ponajbolji od svih albuma dosad, nashli su balans brzine, brutalnosti i melodije (i beepova :D ) uz odmjerenu dozu klavijature a mnogo naginjanja prema poweru.Stereotip pobijedio josh jednom. Angelystor, uchini mi i preslushaj josh jednom album.
Melodike ima. Brutalnosti? Jea rajt.
ukoliko nisi uochio brutalnost u muzici i tekstovima, sam angelin vokal je dovoljno brutalan, uostalom ko slusha melodeath zbog brutalnosti?Kad upalish in flames, vidish nema brutalnosti, kazesh li da je sranje?
Angela-u treba izbaciti iz benda!
A da se vratish ti Hammerfall-u Srce Zmaja?

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Guram nekako.. :)


Ti odustao, a?

ja sam ispao najpametniji - nisam ni zeleo da trosim megabajte na ta sranja haha :)


moguce da smo slushali razlichite albume...clean vokali su identichni wages-u, sasvim zadovoljavajuce.vokali su od wagesa ka doomsdayu ishli sve vishe preko procesora, muzika je bila sve brza, klavijature su bile sve manje primjenjivane, sada na tyrantu imash vokale ako ne iste onda slichne wagesu, koji su ponajbolji od svih albuma dosad, nashli su balans brzine, brutalnosti i melodije (i beepova :D ) uz odmjerenu dozu klavijature a mnogo naginjanja prema poweru.Stereotip pobijedio josh jednom. Angelystor, uchini mi i preslushaj josh jednom album.ukoliko nisi uochio brutalnost u muzici i tekstovima, sam angelin vokal je dovoljno brutalan, uostalom ko slusha melodeath zbog brutalnosti?Kad upalish in flames, vidish nema brutalnosti, kazesh li da je sranje?A da se vratish ti Hammerfall-u Srce Zmaja?

melodeath itekako ume da bude brutalan. a kad upalis in flames naravno da kazes da je sranje :) nemas sta drugo da kazes :)

hammerfall konza! :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:

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ja sam ispao najpametniji - nisam ni zeleo da trosim megabajte na ta sranja haha :)

melodeath itekako ume da bude brutalan. a kad upalis in flames naravno da kazes da je sranje :) nemas sta drugo da kazes :)

hammerfall konza! :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:

svidja mi se shto si pametan.

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moguce da smo slushali razlichite albume...clean vokali su identichni wages-u, sasvim zadovoljavajuce.vokali su od wagesa ka doomsdayu ishli sve vishe preko procesora, muzika je bila sve brza, klavijature su bile sve manje primjenjivane, sada na tyrantu imash vokale ako ne iste onda slichne wagesu, koji su ponajbolji od svih albuma dosad, nashli su balans brzine, brutalnosti i melodije (i beepova :D ) uz odmjerenu dozu klavijature a mnogo naginjanja prema poweru.Stereotip pobijedio josh jednom. Angelystor, uchini mi i preslushaj josh jednom album.ukoliko nisi uochio brutalnost u muzici i tekstovima, sam angelin vokal je dovoljno brutalan, uostalom ko slusha melodeath zbog brutalnosti?Kad upalish in flames, vidish nema brutalnosti, kazesh li da je sranje?A da se vratish ti Hammerfall-u Srce Zmaja?


Koji bre CLEAN vokali?!


Preslushacu ga..no ne u skorije vreme, imam daleko boljeg materijala na tapetu koji mi se radije slusha trenutno. Brutalnosti ima samo u Angelinom vokalu, a on mi je ochajan i smeshan. Toliko o brutalnosti. A ti si uochio brutalnost u tekstovima? Ti actually razumes sta ona peva? Svaka chast.

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ne realno kad budes cuo jos drugih melo death bendova tek ces onda uvideti koliko su novi albumi arch enemya govno. tu do bruning bridges im je dobro islo a onda... :no: :no: :no:


Da, u pravu si, sve vishe uvidjam, pogotovo posle nekih jakih bendova kao shto je Defleshed, bash mi je teshko da se prebacim na ovo... kako da ga nazovem... Power Metal Proseravanje sa Death Metal vokalom... Pa zar da mi omiljeni bend sve vishe prelazi na zanr koji najvishe mrzim... :no: Da nema ove duple pedale i ovakvog vokala mogli bi se obeleziti kao jebeni Power Metal :puke:


"Blood On Our Hand" mi je jedino privukla paznju; onaj deo "reeeemeembeeeer" mi je ostao u glavi... A onaj prvi vrisak - stvarno je :seronja: ! A i neki delovi melodija su zesce proseravanje


"Intermezzo Liberte" - ne znam moze li vishe gay od ovoga... :puke:


Ehh... da je bar jedna pesma bila vredna "Enemy Within" ili "Out for blood/Legend"... nekako bih im josh i oprostio.


A onaj Michael Ammot (jebo ga ja) reche "ultimate Arch Enemy album!!! To me, this album sounds like the perfect mix of melody and brutality." - aha, brutality my ass :rolleyes:

Matori smeksho a dupe mu zinulo za vishe kesha pa napravio "perfect mix of" komercijale "in the Arch Enemy way"



"it's pure fucking metal at its absolute best, the Arch Enemy way!" - pffffff :rolleyes: poserem im se na taj njihov "maximum" :mad:

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Tja... i ove sirene na pochetku "Blood on our hand" su mogle biti mnogo bolje... :no:

I posle 5 preslushavanja albuma jedino mi se ta pesma svidja, i to ne u potpunosti... mozda 75%


Amm... evo, shesti put.......... hmm........ yup....... definitivno, samo mi jedna pesma valja sa albuma... i to ne cela... tc tc tc.... :no: tuga.............

Edited by Murder Metal

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jedini review za novi album izgleda ovako (najveci fansite)


When did the first song end? - 50%

Written by Sockerbit on July 28th, 2007



In short this album is the worst one of Arch Enemy, buy/download/steal/acquire at your own risk, you have been warned. It offers nothing to a me and I am sure that many will agree.


*The first song starts* "Oh yeah this feels good, nice and brutal without overdoing it"

*Somewhere around track #6* "Man this track must take the record for longest opening track ever!"


I can picture this album being made in my head. First they start with the subject, then music, then lyrics and then they must have realized what everyone else is doing and what people likes about their earlier work and then crammed this into one long, eleven section song and then added random piano music, choir singing and of course sections from old movies about old times. Pure high pitch guitar murder nonstop that sound EXACTLY the same as the one before it and crazy vocals being screamed by Angela Gossow is what this album is all about, nothing else.


There is nothing new about it, except that it made a new low for Arch Enemy, and is simply something that you can call "stereotype", there I said it. If this was an ice cream flavor it would be "natural". I can promise you that you have heard this album before, at least a few times, since it has been made over and over again and gotten an "OK" review every time.




Meni je ok, nishta extra ali ne vidim po chemu je zasluzio da ga ljudi ovoliko pljuju.


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jedini review za novi album izgleda ovako (najveci fansite)


When did the first song end? - 50%

Written by Sockerbit on July 28th, 2007



In short this album is the worst one of Arch Enemy, buy/download/steal/acquire at your own risk, you have been warned. It offers nothing to a me and I am sure that many will agree.


*The first song starts* "Oh yeah this feels good, nice and brutal without overdoing it"

*Somewhere around track #6* "Man this track must take the record for longest opening track ever!"


I can picture this album being made in my head. First they start with the subject, then music, then lyrics and then they must have realized what everyone else is doing and what people likes about their earlier work and then crammed this into one long, eleven section song and then added random piano music, choir singing and of course sections from old movies about old times. Pure high pitch guitar murder nonstop that sound EXACTLY the same as the one before it and crazy vocals being screamed by Angela Gossow is what this album is all about, nothing else.


There is nothing new about it, except that it made a new low for Arch Enemy, and is simply something that you can call "stereotype", there I said it. If this was an ice cream flavor it would be "natural". I can promise you that you have heard this album before, at least a few times, since it has been made over and over again and gotten an "OK" review every time.

Meni je ok, nishta extra ali ne vidim po chemu je zasluzio da ga ljudi ovoliko pljuju.


Ukyo, ovaj album ce nesumnjivo imati svoju publiku, ali ne bash medju pravim ljubiteljima extremnih zanrova, medju ljubiteljima Arch Enemy "old school stuff". Evo ti, samo uporedi "extremnost" u muzici recimo, pesme "First Deadly Sin" koja je uradjena po "Diva Satanica" (Neka me ispravi neko ako greshim ali bih rekao da je dobrim delom inspirisana pomenutom) - STO JE DOBRO! Jer je DSatanica njihov "vrh"! ili recimo "Dead bury their dead", "Enemy Within", "I am legend/Out for blood"... a bolje da ne pochinjem sa nabrajanjem starijih pesama za vreme Johan-a Liiva-e u bendu... Uporedi samo gore pomenute sa "najextremnijim" pesmama na albumu - po mom mishljenju - "Blood on our hand" (koja mi je najbolja na albumu ali nikako hit dostojan gore pomenutih), "The Last Enemy", "In this shalow grave"... u ovim novim pesmama lepo krenu, brutalno, brzo... i onda nekako "spuste celu tu atmosferu" i useru sa melodijom koja pochne da vuche na Power Metal...

Mozda smo ih previshe hvalili pa su se mnogo opustili... : P

Edited by Murder Metal

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Although ARCH ENEMY's new album, Rise Of The Tyrant, won't be released until September 25th, the band has already set their sights on returning to the studio. Guitarist Michael Amott spoke exclusively to BW&BK scribe Aaron Small and provided the following update:


“What we’d actually like to do is what TESTAMENT did with First Strike Still Deadly, where they re-recorded some of their older stuff. We had three albums (Black Earth, Stigmata, Burning Bridges) without Angela (Gossow, with Johan Liiva on vocals). It’d be cool to re-record some of those great songs and make a compilation. I think some of those songs are absolutely awesome! But we play them only in Japan really because those albums are known there. Those songs are part of our natural history as a band over there, whereas in Europe and North America, it all started with Wages Of Sin really. They’re almost like a forgotten chapter of our history. We’re definitely going to do this, revisiting that stuff. I think that’s going to be a very cool record. Sinking our teeth into those old songs with Angela, she brings a lot of fire in her vocals. It’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s a part of the plan. It will happen but we’re going to tour ‘til death now.”

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Although ARCH ENEMY's new album, Rise Of The Tyrant, won't be released until September 25th, the band has already set their sights on returning to the studio. Guitarist Michael Amott spoke exclusively to BW&BK scribe Aaron Small and provided the following update:


“What we’d actually like to do is what TESTAMENT did with First Strike Still Deadly, where they re-recorded some of their older stuff. We had three albums (Black Earth, Stigmata, Burning Bridges) without Angela (Gossow, with Johan Liiva on vocals). It’d be cool to re-record some of those great songs and make a compilation. I think some of those songs are absolutely awesome! But we play them only in Japan really because those albums are known there. Those songs are part of our natural history as a band over there, whereas in Europe and North America, it all started with Wages Of Sin really. They’re almost like a forgotten chapter of our history. We’re definitely going to do this, revisiting that stuff. I think that’s going to be a very cool record. Sinking our teeth into those old songs with Angela, she brings a lot of fire in her vocals. It’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s a part of the plan. It will happen but we’re going to tour ‘til death now.”



Tooooooooooooo :rockdevil:

kad to budem chuo oprosticu im ovaj album :D


jedva chekam :veseli:


Btw. Angela-ino vrishtanje i growl su vishe nego solidni, vrlo specifichni! I ne bili kada ih proizvodi zensko! Meni se jako svidjaju njene vokalne sposobnosti :icon_lol:

Nisu najbolje! Ali sasvim su okej za ovaj zanr muzike i jedva chekam da chujem stare pesme sa njenim vokalom...

Edited by Murder Metal

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Ajoj, ocajnog li albuma, ovi likovi su kraljevi kada je u pitanju spustanje na dno i pobijanje svih mogucih principa dobrog ukusa.


Uff... Kako je ovo grupo sluzeno... Nazalost, istina je ziva... Koliko god ih voleo do neba :angry:

Edited by Murder Metal

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