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Nakon one poruke usledila je prva reakcija Tarje.

Evo njenog prvog komentara koji je dala na TV-u


"This was in Finlands TV-news. Tarjas comment was.

"I'm shocked. The way they told this is sad and cruel. I'm also sad that my husband has been dragged into this."

Tarja is going to held press conference in November.

Tuomas told that there will be a new NW book in May, where he will explain everything."


Evo e-maila koji je poslala fanovima (jos uvek neznam da li je autentican, ali 99% jeste jer je sa njenog oficijalnog sajta)


Dear Lily, Sylvera and Purity,


I don't have words to express my feelings at the moment. I am devastated. This thing happened in a way that I didn't have a slight chance to give my opinion about it. I got fired out of a band that represents the last 9 years of my life and I am very sad about it. It has been very cruel the way the band handled this in public. This doesn't change the fact that we were doing amazing music together, but I will never forget the fact that they didn't give me the chance to say good bye for the people as a Nightwish singer.


I love you and I really hope to see you soon in my concerts. Thank you very much for your kind words and support. I will never forget you.





Naravno da će odgovor biti u stilu: ne znam zašto je ono Tuomas rekao, nisam ja kriva, nisu mi dali da se izjasnim... bla bla bla. Možda ona stvarno nije pohlepna kučka kako sada izgleda, a možda je opet ono što je Tuomas rekao tačno. We'll never know.

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brinete se za tarju, ko da vam je ne znam sta. ko joj jebe mater! nek crkne kurva. nek crkne najtfis!





Nightwish recorded "End Of An Era" -live release yesterday evening in Hartwall-Arena,

Helsinki. As you can imagine, the atmosphere in the Arena was wild but also quite blue.

This was the ending for a one and a half year lasting "Once" -World Tour. Nightwish

wishes to thank everybody for an unbelievable tour.


Unfortunately the title "End Of An Era" also holds a deeper meaning. mhihi.gif

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NE DAJ SE TELKONTARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PORED SVEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S. IMA MUŽA?!?!?!?!?!

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Ma na kraju krajeva, dobro je i ovako.....Sad ce Tarja moci konacno da se potpuno posveti klasici i popu, a NW ce moci konacno da pravi muziku s nekom pevaljkom koja ce im biti po cefu...doduse jes'malo bedno da se ovako svadjaju posle svih tih godina, ali verovatno da im je stalo i do malo skandal-publiciteta......jebiga, do novog albuma, da ima o cemu da se prica.....

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ovo je mozda najbolja stvar koja je mogla da se desi nightwishu, malo neka promena cisto osvezenja radi. sledeca pevacica ce, nadam se, biti birana po strozijem kriterijumu. icon_wink.gif

Ode Tarja dakle... pa, neka. Slazem se sa ovim sto je Gargamel napisao. Nova pevacica bi super osvezila stvari, i dace nebo da ne bude operska...


Inace, ko god prica da je Tarja ekstra pevacica... pogledajte The Phantom of the Opera mjuzikl zadnju verziju, pa cujte kako se peva ta pesma. 1000 puta bolje otpevana nego sto je to Tarja uradila...

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E, ako si ih volela samo zbog Tarje, ondak sve u kurac... icon_smile.gif

Pa volela sam ih najvise zbog Tarje iz prostog razloga sto je mozda jedina operska pevacica u metalu/pored pojedinih Therionovih/koja UME da peva, a i ima mocnu dramsku boju soprana... uz to, ponasanje na sceni je bilo za desetku. Hocu reci, zanr koji sviraju ne preferiram mnogo ali je sa Tarjom sve to zvucalo drugacije i zanimljivije! icon_wink.gif

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Ma ja bi bas voleo da se vrate operskim vokalima, kao na Oceanbornu, to je kvilt album, ali koliko god ja voleo Tarjin glas, mogu da nadju neku parem podjednako dobru...

Ako nsita Sibelius akademija mora da je puna mladih sisatih finkinja, koje samo cekaju da pocnu da push... ovaj pevaju Tuomasu... icon_wink.gif

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kuchka glupa? kurva? moj komentar na ovo pukeface.gif

nije mi jasno kako mozete da budete tako lakoverni... zasto ste toliko ubedjeni da je sve ovo istina??? ja takodje smatram da je tuomas nightwish, ali bez obzira na to ne verujem da svu krivicu treba svaliti samo na jednu stranu. ova cetvorica su u pismu pretvoreni u neke svece koji nikada nista nisu zgresili... od sad bi trebalo da nastupaju sa prikacenim oreolom za glavu... zgadili su mi se i tuomas i tarja i marco i emppu i jukka... prepucavaju se kao ovi nasi malogradjani sa pinka fuj!!! a vi koji govorite kurva , crkla dabogda i sl. ste mi jos odvratniji od gore navedenih... osecam da ste se do juce u tu istu tarju kleli i drkali na nju... pokrijte se usima i ne serite jer niko od nas blage veze nema sta se tu stvarno desava...

mozda se bend raspada zato sto je tarja silovala tuomasovog caleta, otkud znate... glupi ste i verujete svemu sto vam se servira...

ja ne drzim niciju stranu jer su mi od sad pa nadalje odvratni svo sestoro (mislim naravno na nw kompaniju)...

izvinjavam se ako sam nekog uvredila, nije mi bila namera, samo sam malo temperametna i revoltirana...


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Sad će valjda da nađu neku koja peva onako kao je Tarja pevala pre recimo 5 godina...


A Tarja može da se posveti Božićnim pesmicama...



EDIT: Ideja da NW nastavi sa Markom kao jedinim vokalom, tj bez ženskog vokala bi bila pogubna po bend!!!


Verujem da će naći adekvatnu zamenu...

Ali i da će se vratiti power/prog. korenima!

Edited by crusader84

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kuchka glupa? kurva? moj komentar na ovo pukeface.gif

nije mi jasno kako mozete da budete tako lakoverni... zasto ste toliko ubedjeni da je sve ovo istina??? ja takodje smatram da je tuomas nightwish, ali bez obzira na to ne verujem da svu krivicu treba svaliti samo na jednu stranu. ova cetvorica su u pismu pretvoreni u neke svece koji nikada nista nisu zgresili... od sad bi trebalo da nastupaju sa prikacenim oreolom za glavu... zgadili su mi se i tuomas i tarja i marco i emppu i jukka... prepucavaju se kao ovi nasi malogradjani sa pinka fuj!!! a vi koji govorite kurva , crkla dabogda i sl. ste mi jos odvratniji od gore navedenih... osecam da ste se do juce u tu istu tarju kleli i drkali na nju... pokrijte se usima i ne serite jer niko od nas blage veze nema sta se tu stvarno desava...

mozda se bend raspada zato sto je tarja silovala tuomasovog caleta, otkud znate... glupi ste i verujete svemu sto vam se servira...

ja ne drzim niciju stranu jer su mi od sad pa nadalje odvratni svo sestoro (mislim naravno na nw kompaniju)...

izvinjavam se ako sam nekog uvredila, nije mi bila namera, samo sam malo temperametna i revoltirana...


Puno istine ovde.

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Finnish band Nightwish has excluded vocalist Tarja Turunen for continous disagreements. The members of the band inform about this on their official site through an open letter.

In the letter written by keyboard player Tuomas Holopainen the decision is justified with Turunen's behavior. Holopainen accuses the face of the band from avarice, breaking the promises and underestinmating the fans.


We agreed that Nightwish would be the priorty for all until the end of 2005. Still many things passed it. For main example the concert in Oslo which should've been cancelled so you could train for Christmas concerts, meet your friends and go to movies, Holopainen writes.


According to Holopainen the members of Nightwish cannot give up with Nightwish because it's the way of life for them. The players see that they cannot continue collaboration with Turunen either.

Persons who don't talk to each other for a year, don't belog to the same band.

Turunen shocked from excluding.

Holopainen, who was interviewed by STT, says that the letter on the official site tells everything that is needed to know about Turunen's leaving.


In May is released a Nightwish book. There the reasond for this are put into in detail, told silent Holopainen on the phone.

Turunen informs to be very shocked about situation. She thinks the way things were told to her was sad and cruel. Turunen thinks that especially sad is how her husband was pulled into the excluding altercation.


Turunen says she will keep a press conference in November where she will tell her point of view.

About new singer will be told later


Tuomas Holopainen knows that Turunen's leaving is a shock to many Nightwish fans. Surely it is. I'm disappointed and sad myself. I don't hate Tarja. I tried toput that much fact to the letter that people would notice that someone else has done also something in this band, apart from Tarja, composer Holopainen says.


Nightwish will continue and continues with female vocalist. Operatic metal will play also in the future.

The identity of the new singer I don't want to comment on any way. It will be announced when it's time for that. I have already made compositions for the new album, there is mixed old and new Nightwish, Tuomas Holopainen defines.


Nightwish who mixes opera and heavy metal broke through internationally with album Once in July 2004. The band performed in the familiar line-up on the Friday night in Helsinki, at Hartwall Arena.

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