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The Polish CD-Action magazine was invited to Bethesda headquarters for a hands-on preview of Fallout 3 as the only representative of Poland, along with 15 other journalists from around the world. A summary:


* As far as locations and content go, the game is finished. Bethesda is mostly doing QA now. There are still some bugs and the game crashes from time to time.

* They had a predefined character - a strong male.

* They were told to steer clear of the main quest and were not allowed to talk about what they saw of it in the preview.

* To make escape from Vault 101 easier, guards were removed.

* The game can be saved at any moment, and saving is pretty quick.

* We leave the Vault with a PipBoy, a pistol, some ammo and a holotape with a message from the father.

* Ammo is scarce and it's best to fight weaker opponents hand to hand.

* They go to Megaton by following a sign in Springvale showing the way to the town.

* In Springvale, the Sputnik Eyebot was hovering over the street, broadcasting a speech of the Enclave president.

* Megaton looks like a Wild West town. We have a good sheriff, and an evil saloon owner. The saloon has a prostitute, but she tells the player character that he's too young to use her services.

* We are informed that our Karma has changed after the fact. We also don't see any numbers - we just see e.g. a Vault Boy with angel wings and a "Saint" description. The developers intentionally hid the numerical value of your Karma.

* If we are caught trying to steal something, the person we tried to rob will first chase us, trying to recover his property. He won't be happy, but usually it won't end with a shootout, unless we already have a bad reputation. Well, it was enough to cause some trouble in Megaton for everyone to turn against us. What then? We can try putting our weapon down - if we didn't kill anyone, the situation will calm down.

* If we, however, do have blood on our hands already, the best way out is to quickly evacuate. Fortunately, a return is possible. After a few days the emotions drop down, and entering the town does not end with bloodshed. But still, people will know about our deeds and if we cause trouble again, they won't give us the benefit of a doubt this time.

* At first glance, it looked like they'd wander around aimlessly. But only at first glance, thanks to the compass. Directions where we can find something interesting are marked with little triangles. We'll learn what it is when we get there (it can be a school taken over by bandits, a cinema with car wrecks, a baseball pitch with dead bodies hanging from the fence, a small settlement at an overpass or a normal town). The compass can also show the place where we have a quest to do or a navigation point we put on the map ourselves.

* At first glance, Fallout 3 looks like a typical FPS.

* You use stimpaks on specific parts of the body, as hit points are divided among them.

* When throwing grenades and during hand-to-hand combat, while you can use V.A.T.S., you can't aim at specific parts of the body.

* Choice of gender has been marginalized and its importance will be minimal.

* Lots of blood and profanity.

* Body parts can be disintegrated or vaporized, depending on the weapon.

* The PC version has the same interface as the X360 one, but adjusted to the use of mouse and keyboard. It works much better than Oblivion's. Both the PipBoy and the V.A.T.S. work well with the mouse.

* You can assign hotkeys to items - e.g. weapons or stimpaks.

* Even with standard settings, the game looks better on the PC than on the 360 - better textures and longer line of sight.

* The lockpicking minigame is similar to the one from the Thief games.


Conclusion: "Is it Fallout? If you expect the same experience as before, it's safer to just play the previous games. But if you just want the brutal, post nuclear world, freedom and atmosphere, what I was shown is no worse than in the first Fallout. And it's the best recommendation I can give after a few hours of playing."






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Не свиђа ми се Фалаут. Најискреније. Шта би ово требало да представља ? Апокалиптични приказ Халф-Лајфа уз одређену дозу ЕС:Обливиона + к'о бајаги реалистичност...Ово је једино хватање старе славе, а то ће исто да уради и Близард с Старкарфтом.

Прави фанови ће увек остати ''верни'' старим игрицама и, да, реткост је у данашње време начинити игрицу у којој НЕМА КЛИШЕА.

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Старкрафт кец је одлична игрица, што за овај нови Фалаут ја то не могу да кажем :] а није у питању лични укус, далеко од тога (боље да не знају људи шта доиста мислим о наставку фалаута)

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Covece, ko je rekao da nije? Blizzard za sada jos nije uspeo da napravi losu igricu. Poenta je vise da je prakticno nemoguce napraviti dobru igru a da se ne upadne u makar neki klise, tako da to definitivno nije merilo po kome treba da se kritikuje neka nova igrica sem naravno ako je u sustini cela sklepana od gomile klisea.

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Guest JOybOy_in_ROtterdam

Kad god procitam ovaj naslov, probudi se Mr Hajd u meni, toliko sam se puta svadjao sa ljudima i po

youtube-u i po forumima i ne shvacaju. A bre, gde moze politicki korektna igra da bude nastavak Fallouta,

kopanje grobova, kurve, predivni okreceni crnim humorom dijalozi, to je mogao sam Black Isle, ajd bar da su ga uzeli

Troika games ili Bioware, zaostatci starog dobrog Black Isle-a, nego Bethesda, jbo ih... A bre, sto se nisu lepo drzali

svojih eye-candy lepotica i kulirali, nego su morali svoje prljave prste da spuste na fallout...


Evo jednog tuznog klipa, koji je ujedno i jedini Fallout 3 koji ja priznajem, koji na zalost nikada nije zavrsen.


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