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Humor (bez YUTUB linkova!)

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<born1986> why the fuck isn't my disc drive working

<born1986> i fucking worked on that essay for three friggin' hours in school

<born1986> i now i cant finish it 'cos my fuckin drive ain't working

<Z00ass> you got the right drivers?

<born1986> hell yes

<born1986> it was working fine yesterday

<born1986> why does this shit always happen to me?

<Z00ass> maybe that little clip on the side is i nthe wrong position

<born1986> i havent touched it since school

<born1986> i'm growing impatient

<born1986> ANGRY even

<Z00ass> throw that shit out tha window


. . .


<born1986> OMG i fuckin did it!!!

<born1986> FUCK!!!!!

<Z00ass> it works?

<born1986> no, i threw it out the window

<Z00ass> the disk?

<born1986> NO the whole drive

<born1986> i live on the 6th floor, made a nice *smash*


<born1986> FUCK SHIT FUCK


<born1986> brb


. . .


<born1986> shit

<Z00ass> what? did ya break it?

<born1986> well i couldn't open the drive

<born1986> so i had to pound it against a rock


<born1986> quite HARD

<born1986> and you know what?

<born1986> that fucking disk wasnt even there

<Z00ass> ???

<born1986> i got so mad i threw the remaiders of the drive on to the freeway

<born1986> and when i got back upstairs i foud the disk inside my bag

<Z00ass> lol


<born1986> i'm actually cryin right now


. . .


<born1986> wonder if i could make that drive work again

<born1986> brb

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Hehe. Dobra fora. Ja sam uvek razmisljao da skinem muziku iz jedne pornjave koja mi se svidjala. :redface: Djavo u gospodjici Dzouns 3. Najjaca muzika u istoriji pornjave.

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Čega se odričemo usvajanjem bolonjskog procesa:


Prvi školski dan u jednoj američkoj srednjoj školi. Nastavnica predstavlja novog učenika Sakira Suzukija iz Japana.

Počinje čas i nastavnica ispituje: "Sada ćemo videti koliko poznajete američku istoriju. Ko je rekao "Sloboda ili smrt"?


Odjednom tišina i samo Suzuki digne ruku: "Patrik Henri, 1775 u Filadelfiji."


Vrlo dobro Suzuki". A ko je rekao "Država je narod i kao takva ne sme

nikada umreti"?


Suzuki ustane: "Abraham Linkoln, 1863 u Wašingtonu."


Nastavnica strogo pogleda učenike pa reče: "Sram vas bilo. Suzuki je Japanac pa poznaje američku istoriju bolje od vas."


Tihi glas iz zadnje klupe: "Jebite se, usrani Japanci."

"Ko je to rekao?" - vikne učiteljica


Suzuki digne ruku i reče:

"General MekArtur, 1942 u Gvadalkanalu, i Li Ajakoka 1982 na skupštini deoničara

Krajslera, Detroit."


Razred je u tišini samo se iz pozadine čuje "Puši kurac"!

Učiteljica besni: "Sad je kraj! Ko je to bio?!"


Suzuki: "Bil Klinton Moniki Levinski, Ovalni Ofis, 1997 u Vašingtonu."


Drugi učenik se prodere: "Suzuki je govno! "


Suzuki: "Valentino Rosi u Rio de Žaneiru na moto Gran-Priju Brazila 2002."


Razred pada u histeriju, nastavnica u nesvest, a na vrata ulazi direktor:


"U pičku materinu, još nikad nisam video ovakav haos!"


Suzuki: "Predsednik vlade Zoran Živković ministru finansija Božidaru Ðeliću prilikom predstavljanja državnog budžeta, Beograd 2003."



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