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I ja to pomislih. Nista, otisla sam na sajt pa cu tamo da nadjem 64oro bitnu verziju. Jbg, ne mogu da instaliram CS4 sa 32 bita.


gledao sam na njihovom sajtu, i nasao sam samo neke updatove, izgleda da su skinuli cele instalacije or something... u svakom slucaju linux rules XD

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Wtf, ja imam 32bitni XP i na njemu CS4.. :huh:


Edit: ili si mislila na sedmicu konkretno..


Hm... :huh:


E ne znam kako, meni je pre intalacije CS4 zahtevao operativni sistem sa 64 bita :confused: :confused: , a meni je ova tupava vista 32bitna pa sam resila da sacekam ovaj novi Windows, instaliram 64oro bitni pa tek onda CS4.


Jebem im mater zajebantsku.

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Hm, radi CS4 uredno i na 32bita, radio mi je tamo dok sam koristio 32bitnu verziju.


Sad sam na Visti x64 SP1. Od sledećeg Windowsa (posle 7mice) Microsoft konačno više neće izbacivati 32bitne verzije OS-a, već samo 64bitne. Pa i bilo je vreme, majku mu, to je trebalo još i sa 7micom da urade, no ne znam šta čekaju..

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Ok ovo je cudno...

Stavio sam da se skida prvi put i skinuo mi je iso fajl o 347MB... probao da ga mountujem i uspeo sam. Za svaki slucaj sam stavio opet da se skine i skinuo mi je fajl od 267MB i njega sam uspeo da mountujem. Wtf?! :) Posto sam ova dva skidao preko firefoxovog download menagera sada opet skidam preko FlashGet i koliko vidim fajl je tezak zapravo 2.44GB. Te tako nista mi nije jasno. :)

Pogledah na Microsoftovom sajtu. Sedmica zauzima 16GB! Nisu normalni.


Inace OS ne mora biti bootabilan. Ja sam Vistu instalirao preko XP posto nije hteo da ga bootuje. Doduse mozda je to i do biosa jer meni nije hteo da bootuje i neke OS koji se mogu instalirati samo kroz boot, TinyXp recimo.

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Kako do legalnog ključa za Win7 Beta:


1. Visit TechNet Downloads, sign in at the top right and let the page load
2. Within the same window copy and paste "https://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/scripts/gcs.aspx?Product=tn-win7-64-ww&LCID=1033" into the address bar or "https://www.microsoft.com/betaexperience/scripts/gcs.aspx?Product=tn-win7-32-ww&LCID=1033" (64bit key but will work on 32 too, if you get an error refresh a few times)...enjoy the result below (32 bit link seems to work better), whilst stocks last. If you are still having issues try clearing your temp files and deleting all cookies.




It looks like Microsoft has decided to publish a few product keys to activate all copies of Windows 7 Beta, similar to the same product keys used to activate Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta. The five (5) product keys to activate the evaluation copy of Windows 7 Beta for unlimited times are listed below.

Windows 7 Beta 64-bit Product Key


Windows 7 Beta 32-bit Product Key


So download and install Windows 7 Beta now. No registration is required. Windows 7 Beta DVD ISO media is available from official direct download links for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 Beta, or x86 Windows 7 Beta torrent and x64 Windows 7 Beta torrent. Note that even after been activated, Windows 7 Beta will still expire on August 1, 2009.

Edited by BaalBehrit

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