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peva, ali ne sve pesme...peva solo par pesama, a u nekima peva prateci vokal... mrred.gif  a kad sam spomenuo pevanje, hteo sam da kazem da ima mnogo jaci glas nego corey....

da...ali corey ima mnogo chudan i upechatljiv glas

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nik@nyt-e, citaj i placi


Nicknamed "Kong" - Shawn's mom told him he looked like a silver-backed gorilla when she watched them practising one day, so they started calling him Kong. Anders: "She watched a videotape of one of our practices in my basement and had this to say: "Anders looks like a Timber wolf, ready to attack. Shawn, you look like a Silver-back Gorilla. The whole band looks like what I envision to be the band that entices a caveman hunting party into a frenzy before going out to bring down a Mammoth."


Shawn adds an interesting sound to Slipknot. His drum set is made of titanium. He made it himself, because he has a background in welding, and he's good at it. Shawn starts a good amount of fights on stage, when he's not playing, and has a sort of rivalry with Sid. Shawn is also one of the co-founders of Slipknot with Paul (2) and Anders. He is the second percussionist and has a wife, Chantal, and 3 kids. ("I'm a perfect father and a fucking psychopath, ok? No contradiction"), Shawn has a habit of ramming his head into walls and has injured himself many times in performances ( He has fractured knuckles, split a collarbone, suffered slipped vertebrae, bruised his pelvic bone, dislocated a shoulder, gotten a concussion, partially severed a finger, and smashed his head often enough to require 22 stitches ) He also goes onto AIM to chat with fans and he is by far the craziest member of Slipknot. Shawn has recently changed his mask and it is also named "Dude". Shawn is the oldest of Slipknot. In the old days Slipknot did not wear the jumpsuits they wore other costumes, @ one of these shows Shawn decided to wear a huge purple "Barney" suit.


A cop gave Shawn a dead beavers tail because the cop didn't know how to get rid of it. Shawn didn't know what to do with it so on stage he and corey squeezed all the juices out of it into their faces and then they ate it. Afterwards they were throwing up like crazy and asking each other why the fuck they did that.


Shawn had a clown's mask that he found around 15 years ago. MEANING: "I'm going to fucking kill every motherfucker here! What was the question? The mask? IT represents my death."



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yo pony nisi mi odgovorio....


cini mi se da si ti u velikoj zabludi - ja sam bio prosle godine na cerrtu slipknota, svirali su maltene ceo prvi album, pola drugog + duality,vermillion i welcome i shawn nije ni dotakao mikrofon, drugi vokal je sve vreme pevao chris


ja znam da shawn ima drugi bend u kome peva, ali slipknotu ne peva

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yo pony nisi mi odgovorio....


ja znam da shawn ima drugi bend u kome peva, ali slipknotu ne peva

e sorry, nisam video pitanje...koliko ja znam shawn peva heretic anthem, polovinu liberate-a, onda u left behind se prodere par puta, i u jos par pesama peva neke delove i valjda jednu pesmu na demo-u...


a sto se tice shawnovog benda. zove se downthesun (heads on the wall), gde takodje ne peva sam vec sa jos jednim likom....

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Koliko ja znam, ceo s/t album peva Corey, komplet sve vokale. Heretic Anthem jedino ako pomace tu i tamo, inace se jasno cuje Corey.

U spotu "Before I Forget" mi se cini da on ubacuje prateci vokal, mada uzivo nije on pevao (doduse, na tom snimku koji imam nije ni ucestvovao).

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ja na njihovom koncertu nisam uopshte video da se shawn jednom uhvatio za mic...

ja imam snimke nekih njihovih svirki gde clown peva liberate, heretic anthem i the shape, a corey samo slamuje i skakuce unaokolo, dok na nekim drugim svirkama sve peva corey, tako da je to diskutabilno....a eto, na toj svirci na kojoj si ti bio se clown "nije ni uhvatio za mic"...verovatno je samo vrisnuo par puta... mhihi.gif

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Znachi gori spot nisam dugo video. Sta je bre ono? 4 minuta smenjivanja 3 kadra: Corey-eve smesne patike Jim-ova desna ruka, i Mickova desna ruka, + gomila kadrova u kojima se samo mutno vidi mashu kosom (a pesma nikad laganija), tj ne vidi se nishta. Onda u bridge-u malo Corey-evo oko i to je to. I na kraju padne mikrofon na zemlju. icon_spava.gif Za mene, Slipknot je otisho u kurac.


inache spot sam video sinoc na MTV-ju u okviru ROCK TOPLISTE! za one koji ne znaju o kakvoj toplisti se radi napomenuo bih da su se na njoj nasli Green Day, The White Stripes, The Licks, Wheezer, Oasis itd


svasta sam ocekivao ali Slipknot i Oasis u istom koshu!?


it's to much for me

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