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Kako me pogodi ovaj bend sunce ti...


Ukratko odma' da kazem, tj. da se slozim, sa necim vec izrecenim ovde, a to su neke losije stvari, da fali malo veca pamtljivost/hiticnost, pre svega u vidu vokala, jer na svakih 5 riffova koji mi udju u glavu i pevusim ih i par sati nakon albuma, tek mozda jednog stiha se setim...sam vokal mi je interesantan, drugacija, luda verzija nekog dalekog Schmierovog rodjaka, koji bas dobro zna da koristi vriske, ali ti ima mesta za popraviti. Predugacke pesme su mi problem samo kod prvog, dve desetominutne 'ajde, ali tri preterase ga...onu Dark Nebula bih izbacio potpuno, dok su mi druge dve odlicne.


With that said...THIS IS ONE MEAN THRASHTACULAR FAST PACED BAND :rockdevil: Sto rece gore Jaroslav, thrash album (prosle) godine vrlo, vrlo lako. Sve thrash albume iz prosle godine da stavim zajedno pa pola dobrih riffova ne bi imali k'o sto "Outer Isolation" ima. Sve gore sto rekoh da moze da se popravlja u principu su vec radili na OI u odnosu na prvi, a tek naredni mislim da ce da bude neukrotiva bestija.


A uveren sam da ce da bude nesto, bas zbog onih thrash mastera koji su spominjani... npr. Coroner, RIP podobar, Punishment jebeno odlican, ali tek Color i Vortex su ono cime su utisnuli neprocenjivi thrash trag. Ne kazem da ocekujem sl. nivo od Vektora, kvalitet danas nikako nije isti kao tada, ali lepo je imati bar jedan jebeni novi thrash bend cijem novitetu mogu sa osmehom da se nadam.


Uh..tek jebena tri dana slusam bend, a vec sam se zaludeo, ne mogu da zamislim trenutno da ih vadim iz telefona :]

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Hey everybody, David here. I’ve spent the past few days settling into “normal” life and enjoying being home, so even though the coals may have cooled a bit since this weekend, I wanted to give my side of the story.


A lot has been said about what happened, and I just want to clarify a few things. I did not haul out and throw a beer bottle at someone. I was around someone who I felt was antagonizing an event and people I cared about. I was annoyed, and I had a beer in my hand. (Something I’m sure many of you can relate to.) What I did was a momentary lapse in judgment, nothing more, nothing less.


I’m not some meathead or asshole who would pick on someone for their beliefs. I don’t give a shit what anyone’s personal beliefs are (unless their beliefs include hatred towards a specific gender, race, or sexual orientation – those people are assholes). What the protester was doing wasn’t right – but now that I look back on it, what I did wasn’t right either. I do believe that people have the right to protest, but I guess I draw the line when it borders on insanity. People who show up at a public gathering spouting their extremist beliefs would better serve society in a mental institution.

What I learned from this was that nobody should try to spread their message by antagonizing other people. I didn’t change his mind, and he didn’t change mine. Vektor has always been about spreading the truth of science, the errors of mankind, and thinking for yourself. Organized religion doesn’t always mesh with what we stand for. In a way, I hope that this at least gets people thinking about the problem we have with communicating with each other. There are a lot of things that I feel strongly about. That’s why I write the lyrics I do – and I’m stoked when fans (like all of you) find that message and support it. However, I’m not going to go to a church and start blasting “Dark Creations, Dead Creators” at the people there, haha.


And, for the record, being in jail FUCKING SUCKS, especially when you’re the only longhair in the joint, haha. I was arrested at 10pm on Saturday, and wasn’t released until 5am Tuesday morning. I got seriously lucky with the judge and the public attorney assigned to my case (hence my charges getting dropped), and I escaped unharmed (no horror stories here). I made a stand for what I believe in, and there were consequences. It happens.


Anyway, I guess I’ve said enough. I do want to thank everybody out there for having my back (all the “FREE DAVE!” posts have been cracking me up, haha). Honestly, I had no idea word would spread like it did. I also want to thank my kick-ass wife Katy for supporting me while I was cut off from the outside world, and going ape-shit on everyone at the jail in order to expedite my release.


ALRIGHT THEN! That’s that. I look forward to seeing all you humanoids the next time VEKTOR invades your town, and in three weeks we will be making our debut in Europe at HELLFEST! FUCK YEAH!!





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