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Eh danas sam bas raspolozena za surf! Bila sam na stranicama ovih genijalaca i procitala da se sprema novi album pod naslovom "Metatron,Lucifer & The Divine Chaos"!!! SUPER!!!! A pripremaju i nekakav box set sa hrpom super raritetnih stvari, kao i Duplo DVD izdanje!!!! I to vrlo verovatno u originalno postavi!!! icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif



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Pa, jeste pevao na tom albumu. Iako je nemoguce pronaci njegov vokal u svemu tome... moze samo da se pretpostavi ko bi on mogao biti (neki visi vokalni delovi), ali kako peva samo backinge, tesko je. A i album nije nesto, par pesama je odlicno, ostale manje-vise...


Jedva cekam taj novi, da vidim sta oni uopste mogu danas da kazu u muzici.

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Po onome sto je predstavio u svoje vreme rekao bih da je poprilicno obrazovan pevac koji zna pevati a u tom slucaju jedino mu cigare i alkohol (nemarnost) mogu nistiti glasovne mogucnosti. Cuo sam da je imao par solo projekata i da je bio aktivan kao prateci vokal , licno ocekujem da je i dalje veoma dobar.




Jel su tacne glasine da je on otpevao prvi album Kamelota ?

Edited by VEPAR

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Po onome sto je predstavio u svoje vreme rekao bih da je poprilicno obrazovan pevac koji zna pevati a u tom slucaju jedino mu cigare i alkohol (nemarnost) mogu nistiti glasovne mogucnosti. Cuo sam da je imao par solo projekata i da je bio aktivan kao prateci vokal , licno ocekujem da je i dalje veoma dobar.




Jel su tacne glasine da je on otpevao prvi album Kamelota ?

Nema to veze mnogo... sta je reci za Geoff Tate-a? Ista prica, ni priblizan vokal danas.


To za prvi Kamelot, prica je stara koliko i taj album, secam se jer sam ga uzeo skoro cim je izasao (Explosive rec piraterija), i lik se zove Mark Vanderbilt, ako se ne varam. Plus, sve i da je lazno ime, i da jeste Midnight, onda je pevao i na drugom Kamelotu, jer je isti glas/isti pevac u pitanju...

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  • 4 weeks later...

E, ovako..Midnight je izbacio novi album,vidim da niko nista ne pominje,nemoguce da ga niko nije nabavio? Nabavio sam ga pre mesec dana,nisam ga nesto mnogo slusao..Album je skroz istripovan,znaci tamo ima svega..Ne znam,mnogo mi je cudan,da bi mogao odmah da ga pljunem,jedino je jasno da nema nikakve veze sa muzikom CG-a..ALI ISKRENO,neki rock album gde neke pesme lice na ove decije uspavanke,ne znam,ali to nije to..Evo sta sam nasao na http://www.metal-invader.com i mislim da je covek pogodio stvar:


Midnight - Sakada


(Black Lotus Records) Total Time: 53:29



Time, is a funny thing, in just a wee notion, a flicker of your eyes 10 years might just go by, before you know it. Midnight was out of the public eye for ar more than that. Almost 15 years. So the "prophecy" is fulfiled as the "deviand angel" spreads his wings once more to fly away inpainted skies. The time has come for Midnight, to try and recapture the hearts and minds of the legions of fans that once upon a time, were really left amazed by his otherworldy delivery on the CRIMSON GLORY albums. First and foremost you need to realise, that Midnight, might have earned his reputation as a heavy metal vocalist but his heart and soul are not 100 % in that. He's a very tortured man, a very demented genius, who is equally prone to weave a magical tapestry as well as completely fuck up. "Sakada" is probably one of the albums that really left me pondering, in a complete dichognomy, not knowing if I loved it or hated it. It's not passable, it's not possible not to be polarized about it. It's a love it or hate it album. If you will it's a huge risk on behalf of midnight. He doesn't necessarily try to appease, the fan, which might not be a very wise thing, he tries to really pour his soul out. Both beautiful and ugly things are to be found. I do not object to this notion. Midnight is a artist, he 's capable of coming up with beautiful haunting vocal lines. I would however have to raise an eyebrow at the way he chooses to present his artistry. I think he doesn't manage to reach his full potential and sometimes he allows the quality control to slip a bit, just by being capricious. I think he needs a bit of guidance, a bit of friendship and a bit of stability. He seems to be both confused and tortured. He needs people to offer him help and musically I think he needs a good producer and a little more focus. The good thing is that he has a lot of ideas. He just needs to develop them though into something that will both express him artistically but also is interesting to his old and potential new fans. In which as far as i m concerned lies a huge challenge for Mid. Sakada will definitely NOT have you pumping your fists, and playing air guitar (but i 'm willing to give air mandolin lessons to anyone interested. More on that later) cause it's not a heavy metal record. I think, Mid should try and console and appease, his numerous 80s heavy metal fans too, by doing what he came into prominence for doing, you know that Queensryche meets maiden Hybrid. Sakada, mixes a lot of different influences into a melting pot and comes across as a very dark heavy rock tinged pshychedelia, with the characteristic voice on top . Ah the voice.... everybody is asking if Mid, still has it...hard to say... I 'd say probably. It's a rather retro production and the voice, seems to be strong, albeit not as controlled as before. Gone are the trademark falsettos, (which i think should still be possible in a studio if the need arises, an old style CG album perhaps ???) and in is a more "mature" and at times eerie demented delivery. What remains though seemingly constant and untouched by the ravishes of time is the sentimental and highly theatrical delivery. Although, some of the arrangements seem to be beautiful and serene, in their simplicity they needlessly replicate until the lyrics run out. The choruses of some of the songs, hardly stand out and the guitar work on certain songs leaves a lot to be desired. Ahem, the mandolin however that can be heard on several tracks seems to be very effective. I also have a strong suspicion that certain passages would sound better if they were totally acoustic, with an electrifying solo, standing out. This becomes rather obvious on "Pain". A really haunting piece... but it's execution, hm I prefer parts of the demo version that was released some years ago in limited numbers. As mentioned before the rather retro, bright and almost dare i say "analogue" at least in feel production works on some songs, but fails on a couple of occasions. "Incubus" is a dark rocker, with Midnight, dramatically intonating each phrase, and the guitar playing sounding like a more sloppy and eerie LSD drenched Sabbath motif. "Berber trails" sounds a bit like a cross between "Mantra" from TEA PARTY and a Greek island song, lots of Mandolins in there, bizarre off the wall lyrics, some of them seem to work if you allow yourself to slip into the mindset of Midnight and the groove of the songs, while others seem to be really toe curling. I bet that this is a thing that people will really give Midnight, a lot of flak about. Amongst the more serious songs there is the duo of the "Cat song" and "Lost boy" that sound like the Monty Python while on LSD, taking holidays in Hawaii. Needless to say they are comical, whimsical, peculiar little numbers that lighten up the atmosphere. I would not take them too seriously. "Little Mary Sunshine" is really weird, sporting a punchy riff, but ultimately being a bit too weird for my liking, i like the "nightmarish" feeling in the middle monologue. "Miss Katie" has some interesting twists, and lines and builds nicely, but never reaches a climax, or rather when it does, i found it rather anticlimactic, "War" which starts with a "Dragon lady" like laughter and then distantly reminds of "Eternal worlds" is one of the heavier songs complete with double bass drums and might appeal to the avid CG fan. However what really is worth buying this CD for is the last song on the CD. The title track, is an impossible, 80s style ballad, much like "transcendence" yet 10 times more evocative with a beautiful interplay of acoustic guitars and flute. Immaculate, beautiful, mesmerizing, one of those songs that simply penetrate your soul and your mind and embody themselves onto your very own existence. To sum it all us “Sakada” to me, is a flawed jewel. A jewel nevertheless.



Reviewer: Dimitrios Fatouros

Edited by Toksa

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
The 'classic' line-up agreed a reunion near the end of 2005, although a drummer has yet to be announced. The band is at the moment recording their new album ''Metatron, Lucifer and the Divine Chaos''



Jebote štreberu,kad si pre nagur'o 900 postova..Ti si lud.. ph34r.gif



Svaka čast za ovu informaciju,očrekujem album-ubicu.. mrred.gifmusic.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I ja od novog albuma ne očekujem ništa spektakularno. Mislim da su prva dva neprevaziđena. Volio bih da me razuvjere. Jedva čekam DVD (ako je istina), pa da ih vidim barem preko ekrana. Uff, Midnight je car. Definitivno jedan od najjačih vokala koji su se pojavili u metalu.

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