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  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNUWqYnJV67/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
    2 points
  2. "Ko koristi droge, porašće mu roge." Sveti otac, preobraćenik i pravoslavni mistik iz Zrenjaningena, Z. Kostić Cane
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Nikad stići, ali evo "Duge gravitacije" nakon tri čitanja (takav posao). Nije to "V" na kvadrat, već "V" na enti. Čak i "Uliks" deluje svedeno u odnosu na ovo. Od jedne naizgled budalaštine čovek je uspeo da razori i dekonstruiše sve stabilne predstave o civilizaciji i jeziku. Petstotinak likova tu hara, neki vaskrsnu nakon nekoliko stotina stranica, neki se više nikada ne pojave, mešaju se fikcionalni sa istorijskim identitetima, digresije na sve strane, mistifikacije, zavere i pseudozavere, igre reči, reference na sve i svašta u svakoj rečenici. Meni nikako u glavu ne ide kako je ovo uspeo da izvede neko ko je radio stvar šezdesetih godina prošlog veka, kakva je to memorijska kartica u glavi, kakva je to enciklopedija, kakva sposobnost asocijacije. Okultizam, pornografija, bihejviorizam, sumanute pesmice, linkovi prema najopskurnijim segmentima popularne i druge kulture. Poslednje poglavlje nestvarno, nikad nisam video takvo rastakanje svesti na papiru uz istorijsko dovlačenje nemačkih V-2 raketa do Hirošime, a od nje do Niksona, od kog je napravio najneverovatniju budalu. Nikada ovo neće imati mnogo čitalaca, ali će imati one koje treba da ima. Živci, fokus, vreme, droge, isplati se.
    1 point
  5. Moram se na narednom popisu izjasniti kao Albanac, manja je sramota. I osnovati manjinsku stranku negde u Banatu. Kad mogu Mađari u Vranju, možemo i mi Šiptari u Senti.
    1 point
  6. Danas je prelomni dan sns režima kada je Vučić istrolovao sam sebe.
    1 point
  7. Ne znam što sam se ja utripovao da on u penziji, a u stvari samo neće biti novih Anacrusisa više. Može novo uvek, kewl ova stvar, samo se nadam da će ovog puta da ga kondenzuje na jedan disk, da ne mora čovek da planira odmor da bi preslušao album kako valja.
    1 point
  8. Meni ovo baš lud album. Čileanski thrash, ali im je srce def u Nemačkoj. Produkcija i pristup nekako više vuku na trve/Desaster fazon, a opet pola neki tech nemački trip (tipa Deathrow)...a opet kad upadnu u neke instumentalne pasaže podseti i na King Crimson a la Islands Bukvalno jedino što mi smeta trenutno kod albuma su delovi kada peva na španskom. Ne mogu da čujem "Ekvilibrio fatal!" a da se ne nasmejem svaki put
    1 point
  9. Kenn Nardi 1SdhtS0potnsohhred · Exciting news about the new album... As I posted a while back, I have been writing and recording some new songs. I wasn't sure exactly which direction the material would be heading in, but with almost all of the songs finished aside from vocals on a few of them, I can say that it will lean more towards the heavier side of Dancing With the Past. A bit of thrash, tons of heavy riffs, some orchestral stuff and lots and lots of melody (of course). I'm VERY happy to say that the highly-respected Eliran Kantor will once again be providing the cover art (he just did the much-anticipated fully reunited Helloween album). Eliran did Dancing With the Past and the Hindsight re-recordings and all his stuff is top-notch. Lucky for me we've been friends for a while now or his britches would surely be too big for little old me. 😉 Seriously though, Eliran loves the new songs and I'm really hoping they inspire him to come up with his best cover ever (no pressure, Eliran) The album will also be released by Divebomb Records, who did Dancing With the Past and the 2nd run of Hindsight. Matt's an old friend and an ANACRUSIS fan and it's always great working with him (for me anyway, he might have a different opinion, ha). No album title yet, but I'm leaving that open to see what Eliran comes up with. Due to the whole Covid situation, production times are longer than usual, so we're hoping to have the album out by fall, but I plan to post a few songs between now and then as an appetizer. 😉 More details will be posted as things become a bit more solidified, but I can say that based on the response from those who have heard the new songs I think fans of my previous music and of course, of ANACRUSIS should love it. \m/ In the meantime, here is a video of one of the new tunes I posted a couple months ago... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9KFYWcsqlg
    1 point
  10. Prvi evropski press
    1 point
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