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Black Bethrothal

(Lyrics by Kozeljnik 1996)

Blood into my eyes

Shows you the flight of a Raven

At the midnight sky

Kiss me goodbye from heaven


Palms,unite your palms

and your heart is mine forever

The power of my Black Ring

Shows you that God was created

Invention from nothingness


Pure in Darkness,i'm burning

With your heart,with your soul

In my bloody Revenge

from Eternity,Immortality

You will burn with me in Hell


See,see the colour of my Life

and the colour of my Night

and the Hate in my eyes......


(Thy) Dark Is Majestic

(Lyrics by Kozeljnik 1996)

Dawns light had risen from her eyes

and became weak like candle's flame

'cause my Darkness - The Master of mine

and you'll never going to swallow that


Dark had hidden in my heart

and it locked it forever

with his Secret of the Dawn

The power of "HIS" Crown


The Artist by the Night

Majestic of thy Dark


"Erotically covered pulse fired me off

and my Vivid Nightmare became a Dream

of The Stars.There was a Dark hole

between her droughty legs,and my

Greedy Mouth had been waiting

for The Mouthfull......"


Darkness is Burning and Stinging me off

Gilds my Majestic Sword

Inside the Dark of The Glorious Moon

Seductions of mine are blacking your light


Moon sombred the night

and cursed your sickening lewd

with pain which you were enthroned

I embrace the light Devourer


(Thy) Dark is so Majestic!

(Thy) Dark is so Majestic!

(Thy) Dark is so Majestic!

(Thy) Dark is so Majestic!


Down Darkness rose from her eyes

and became The Power of Blackened Flame

'cause thy Darkness - The Master of mine

and for Eternity you shall swallow that!

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Ne bih se slozio. CCP ih je toliko zajebavao, da to nije normalno... Ovo ce biti prvo pravo REXovo izdanje, dakle, prvo koje je REX platio, a nije izdao iz samilosti... I prvo koje ce biti na svetskom nivou!


Uopste nije prvo. Rex je platio i snimanje Apartmanovog Rockera i to DVA puta, a mislim (nisam siguran) da je platio i za novi Simargal.

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Ovo ce biti prvo pravo REXovo izdanje, dakle, prvo koje je REX platio, a nije izdao iz samilosti... I prvo koje ce biti na svetskom nivou!


O kakvoj samilosti ti pricas??? Pa sta mislis, ko ima koristi od tih izdanja? Mozda bendovi? I don't think so...

Nemoj da lupas svasta...

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Nemoj ti lupati svasta. Sva izdanja koja su izdali su...  :roll: A to ko ima koristi od tih izdanja... Sta, kao bendovi nemaju?


Uh, zadnju stvar koju zelim je da se sa tobom prepirem, nemam zivaca za to, veruj mi.


Pod jedan - napravi ti bend koji ce svirati bolje od bilo kog koji je REX objavio.


Pod dva - NE LUPAJ VISE GLUPOSTI, jer bendovi nemaju APSOLUTNO nista od izdavanja za REX (50ak diskova, i to je to) (osim Apartmana i May Resulta sada). Pa zasto se sa mnom prepires oko toga, kad valjda znam malo vise od tebe sve te stvari, ne mislis li?

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Kada će da izađe "U slavu rogova nasih" i za koga će da izdaju,ja sam čuo za Rock Express.

U slavu rogova nasih? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.giflaugh.gif


The Hour After…


Deeply touched by harassed oxygen,

Guided by the verve of floating,

On distance I saw grey hunting my sky,

The cold breath of air, freezing…





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Sa Orkristom? :? Sta pricas ti? :?


Ne pričam ništa. Prebiram pasulj. Doslovno.

Koliko znam:

Oba benda su bila predviđena za Hellhammer.-Da.

Nijedan nije izašao.-Takođe, tačno.

Orkrist je bio ovde, ali je zbog nesporazuma poslat nazad. Bivšoj Čehoslovačkoj.

Kalambur. I šteta.


Pa hajd', da se odvoji para, da ne budem principijelna tvrda rđa.


Orkrist je izasao na binu i cim su izasli dosli su panduri mamu im jebem i oterali ih... :evil::evil::evil:

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Kada će da izađe "U slavu rogova nasih" i za koga će da izdaju,ja sam čuo za Rock Express.

U slavu rogova nasih? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.giflaugh.gif


The Hour After…


Deeply touched by harassed oxygen,

Guided by the verve of floating,

On distance I saw grey hunting my sky,

The cold breath of air, freezing…






Sta se smejes, zloco? To je ljubavna pesma.


Morao sam. Bilo je jace od sl. face

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