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lemmy sixx

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1. ocigledno je da je Stet Howland bio pod veeelikim uticajem Keith moon-a.


2. sto se soloa iz the Idol-a tice, solo u njemu nije svirao Blackie, nego Bob Kulick. e sad, da je pod nekim uticajem Gilmour-a, to se verovatno ne moze opovrgnuti jer su, opet, svi zivi gitaristi na svetu sigurno pod odredjenim uticajem Guilmour-a, tako da tvoja tvrdnja da je "Blackie krao od Floyd-a gde je stigao" ne stoji.


3. sto se gitara tice, obrati paznju na I've Had Enough - bass i jednba gitara drze jedan isti ton dok druga gitara menja akorde oko tog tona. to je nesto sto je Blackie vrlo praktikovao na The Crimson Idol

1. Ne kažem da nije. Ipak, Blackie je pisao muziku za 'Crimson Idol', zar ne?


2. Opet, što se te stvari tiče, nju nije pisao Bob Kulick nego Blackie, tako je apsolutno nebitno ko je odsvirao solo i kako. Ne samo da je Kulick bio pod uticajem Gilmoura, nego ga je izuzetno iskopirao, verovatno vođen harmonskom linijom koja je potpuno ista kao na 'Comfortably Numb', a za to treba zahvaliti Blekiju. Za ovu harmoniju ono što sam rekao izuzetno stoji i to niko ne može da opovrgne.


3. Ne znam šta si ovim pokušao da dokažeš. Obrati pažnju na početak strofe 'Another Brick In The Wall Part II' - bas i gitara drže jedan isti ton dok druga gitara prati vokal oko tog tona. I kakve to ima veze?

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ko ti je rekao da je Blackie napisao solo za The Idol? Blackie, Bob Kulick, ili Pete Townsend? ili Dave Gilmour mozda?


i da, sta ti je rekao Pete Townsend u vasem cenjenom razgovoru?


ovo za ritam gitare necu ni da komentarisem.


jel ti volis WASP ili ih ne volis pa dolazis na temu da pokazujes nesto sto ne postoji? ili si toliki fanatik za PF da su svi pokrali Gilmour-a i Waters-a gde su stigli?

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1. ko ti je rekao da je Blackie napisao solo za The Idol?


2. ovo za ritam gitare necu ni da komentarisem.


3. jel ti volis WASP ili ih ne volis pa dolazis na temu da pokazujes nesto sto ne postoji?

1. Ne znam ko je to rekao, ja sam 100% siguran da ja nisam. Nemoj biti bezobrazan i izvrtati moje reči. Blackie Lawless stoji kao autor muzike za 'The Idol', što znači kao autor harmonske podloge za solo, koja je potpuno ista kao u 'Comfortably Numb'. Ako nisi svestan ovoga, onda ili nikad nisi čuo 'Comfortably Numb', ili jednostavno nemaš sluha.


2. Nisam nigde pomenuo ritam gitare. Stvarno si bezobrazan. Ti si imao neku konstataciju o ritam gitarama koja nije imala nikakve veze sa ovom raspravom.


3. Volim ja W.A.S.P., samo ne volim ljude koji misle da su svu pamet sveta popili i ubeđuju druge da nisu u pravu, a u stvari pojma sa životom nemaju. A takav si ti.


Jedina veza između 'Crimson Idol' i 'Quadrophenia' je u tome da je glavni junak roker kome se život raspada. Sa druge strane 'Crimson Idol' prati priču 'The Wall'. Ako Bleki kaže da album nema veze sa 'The Wall' onda je on jedna obična lažovčina, a onaj ko mu poveruje je najobičniji glupak.

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Prije svega morate biti opusteni.

Da li je iko uostalom palo na pamet da je Blackie vjerovatno fan oba benda, te da je samo pomjesao najbolje momente, dodao malo soli, bibera, distorzije i vegete i to je to?


Edited by Invictus

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Da li je iko uostalom palo na pamet da je Blackie vjerovatno fan oba benda, te da je samo pomjesao najbolje momente

Meni jeste, ali ima ljudi ovde koji tvrde da su u kontaktu sa Blekijem :rolleyes: i da im je on lično rekao da nije tako. Što je glupost.

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W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol


The story of The Crimson Idol revolves around a teenager named Jonathon. He is the son of William and Elizabeth Steel, and brother of Michael Steel. Michael is the favorite son who can do no wrong. Jonathon on the other hand, is a complete failure in their eyes. He runs away from home after his brother is killed in a car accident, and starts to wander the streets, getting addicted to drugs and alcohol. When he walks past a music store, he sees a guitar and wants to become a rock star.


He steals the guitar and plays as often as he can, to try to obtain money to record an album. Then he meets a man, "Chainsaw" Charlie, the president of a major record company. He promises to make Jonathon a star, and introduces Jonathon to Alex Rodman, who will become his manager. Jonathon becomes a rock star, but he finds out that life is not as glamourous as it seems. Jonathon has fame and fortune, but not the one thing he always wanted, the love and acceptance of his parents.


One night before a concert, Jonathon calls his parents in an attempt to reconcile their differences and heal the emotional wounds between them. According to the story "less than fifty words were spoken" the last four of which being "we have no son."


Jonathon realizes that he will never be accepted by his parents and decides to commit suicide. During the aforementioned concert, Jonathon removes the strings from his guitar, shapes them into a noose and hangs himself.


Pink Floyd - The Wall


The storyline portrays the fictional life of an anti-hero named Pink, who is hammered and beaten down by society from the earliest days of his life: having lost his father (killed in Anzio during World War II, as was Roger Waters' own), smothered by his over-protective mother, oppressed at school by tyrannical, abusive teachers who tried to mould him and the other pupils into the "right" shape for society, Pink withdraws into his own fantasy world, building an imaginary wall, an allegory for being emotionally distant, to protect himself from the rest of the world. Every bad experience in his life is "another brick in the wall".


After heavily contemplating how to fill in the last few empty spaces in the wall, Pink puts off its construction for a while. He becomes a rock star and gets married, only to be cheated on by his wife due to his distance and coldness, as well as the life as a rock star. After this, he resumes and eventually finishes building the wall.


Pink slowly goes insane behind his freshly completed wall. He is lost on the inside, but is forced to surface by his demanding lifestyle, and I.V. drug use distributed by his crew to "keep [him] going through the show". Hallucinating, Pink believes that he is a fascist dictator, and his concerts are like Neo-Nazi rallies where he sets his men on fans he considers unworthy, only to have his conscience rebel at this and put himself on trial, his inner judge ordering him to tear down his wall in order to open himself to the outside world.


The Who - Quadrophenia


The story covers about five days of the life of a certain Jimmy, a participant in the circa 1964 Mod lifestyle in England. The first half of the opera consists of songs that allude to the frustrations and insecurities that govern Jimmy's life, including brief glimpses of his home life, his job, his psychoanalyst, and his unsuccessful attempts to have a social life. Halfway through the opera he sings "I've Had Enough", finds himself kicked out of his home when his parents find his box of 'blues' (blue pills of some unnamed drug, possibly amphetamine). Distraught and with nothing better to do, Jimmy takes a large dose of blues and takes a train ride to the coast.


During his stay near the beach in Brighton, he encounters the former "Ace Face", the leader of a group of Mods, whom he admires greatly. However, "Ace Face" now works as a bell boy at a nearby hotel. Ironically, this is the very same hotel Ace Face had smashed the windows of two days before. This display of masculine bravado had earned him the admiration of many of his fellow Mods two days before during Jimmy's first stay in Brighton. Jimmy is disgusted to learn that the person he had admired as a Mod had "sold out".


At this point, Jimmy is inconsolable. Everybody from his parents to his girlfriend had disappointed him before, but he had never expected the Mod lifestyle to let him down. Drunk and depressed, he steals the now former Ace Face's scooter from the front of the Brighton hotel where he is employed, takes it out to a barren rock protruding from the sea, and crashes psychologically. With nothing left to live for he finds redemption in the pouring rain.


Neću da se proterujem s tobom. Evo ti priče sva tri albuma. Verovatno ćeš primetiti da 'The Crimson Idol' vuče i na jednu i na drugu stranu, s tim što prvi deo priče više vuče na The Who, a drugi više na Pink Floyd. Jedino što je zajedničko za sva tri albuma jeste da je glavni lik zavisnik od droge koji na kraju puca pod unutrašnjim pritiskom. Primetićeš da se način na koji glavni likovi sva tri albuma napuštaju dom razlikuje, ali je sličniji u slučaju Jonathona i Jimmy-ja. Takođe ćeš primetiti da Jimmy nije nikakva rok zvezda, tako da priča o "rise and fall of a rock star" u slučaju 'Quadrophenia' ne stoji, dok izuzetno stoji za 'The Wall' i za 'The Crimson Idol'.


Ja nimalo ne umanjujem značaj The Who kao inspiracije u Blekijevoj karijeri. Ne moraš ni ti da potpuno negiraš značaj inspiracije Pink Floyd. Malo je jednostrano, s obzirom na to da činjenice govore više od toga ko voli koji bend...

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Who cares???

Hahaha, braćo draga ove informacije vam nisu od životnog značaja :D


WASP se voli i sluša, svako dalje baljezganje je suvišno...

Šta je sa rokerima i metalcima, nikad se nisu vodile ovakve gluposti, muzika se volela, slušala i živela... :no:

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Who cares???

Hahaha, braćo draga ove informacije vam nisu od životnog značaja :D


WASP se voli i sluša, svako dalje baljezganje je suvišno...

Šta je sa rokerima i metalcima, nikad se nisu vodile ovakve gluposti, muzika se volela, slušala i živela... :no:

Свака ти је ка' Његошева!

Свака част! :pivopije::pivopije:

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ne ,bitno je da je blackie pokrao sve od the whoa i floyda kako nalaze drug Hudini


Mora da usere :D hahaha :) :)


Nego, imam jos jednu misao:

Jedno je kad se potrudis oko razmena informacija kao sto mnogi znaju da rade (pa i ja, primere imate na Judas Priest temi u kojoj je dalja putanja za otkrivanje informacija :) ), jer eto, jest da nije bitno, ali ljudi se zainteresuju, pa ajd da nadjemo, ali fazoni *moj tata je jaci od tvog, dok moja keva mnogo bolje kuva od tvoje* - mislim da smo ih svi prerasli...


No dobro, ja to cisto jer me iznervirao mister pametnjakovic na DOKKEN temi. :(


Ponekad mi je zao i krivo kad vidim o cemu se baljezga, umesto (ponavljam se) da jedni drugima dajemo linkove za download, razmenjujemo sta god, trazimo sta god, vodimo zdrave diskusije....


Nekad sam ponosno mislila "pod krovom roka i metala, mi koji to zivimo se razumemo i isti smo" - kako sam odrasla shvatam iz dana u dan sve vise i vise...da je sve postao ocajni pozeraj.


Edit: Necu smaram i filozofiram vise...al eto...

Edited by ZmYchE

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