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Nole je upravo pobedio Italijana Borelija sa 7-6 7-6 uz prilicno losu igru, mada, oba taj brejka je ubedljivo dobio...ali vidi se da je kao nezainteresovan, izgleda vise razmislja o taslacenju sarapove i provodu nego o tenisu...

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Hrvatski teniser Ivo Karlović, 16. nosilac Mastersa u Sinsinatiju, pobedio je Rodžera Federera sa 2:1 (7:6, 4:6, 7:6) i otvorio šansu Rafi Nadalu da eventualnom pobedom na ovom turniru preuzme mesto broj jedan na ATP listi od ponedeljka, 4. avgusta.

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sto ce reci nadal je prviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

samo je pitanje kad

da li posle ovog turnira ili sredinom avgusta

ako uspe da osvoji sesti turnir za redom svaka cast

ali i ako ne uspe opet je prrvi

zasluzio je posle tolikih godina provedenih na drugom mestu

Edited by anelej

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Готово, прође и Федерерово... Логично је било, сви су га посматрали, анализирали, није ни он свемогућ. У наредних пар година борба ће се водити између Надала, Ђоковића и оног Гулбиса, који је одличан.

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Jankovic To Attain No.1 Ranking on August 11, 2008



ST. PETERSBURG, FL, USA – The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour will crown Jelena Jankovic as the new world No.1 when the official rankings are published on Monday, August 11, a week from this coming Monday.


Jankovic will replace Serbian compatriot Ana Ivanovic, who will have held No.1 for nine weeks from June 9 to August 10, 2008. Ivanovic was the first player representing Serbia to become No.1, with Jankovic now following right behind. The two are projected to be in close competition the next few weeks for the top ranking, with eight points separating them come August 11 - Jankovic is projected to have 3620 points on those rankings, and Ivanovic 3612 points.


Jankovic ascends to the pinnacle of women's professional tennis after a 12-month display of impressive and consistently successful results. Over the course of the past year, Jankovic has won the Tier I title in Rome, reached finals at Toronto (2007), Beijing (2007) and Miami (2008) and six semifinals, including two of the three Grand Slams so far this year (Australian Open, Roland Garros).


"Since I was a young girl, it has been my dream to become No.1 in the world," Jankovic said. "When you get older, at least one day you can say you were No.1 and no one can take that away from you. You are in the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour history books and it's a great achievement."


At 23 years, 5 months and 13 days, Jankovic will become the 18th top-ranked player in women's tennis history, joining Chris Evert, Evonne Goolagong Cawley, Martina Navratilova, Tracy Austin, Serena Williams, Venus Williams, Justine Henin, Kim Clijsters, Jennifer Capriati, Arantxa Sánchez-Vicario, Monica Seles, Amélie Mauresmo, Steffi Graf, Martina Hingis, Lindsay Davenport, Maria Sharapova and Ana Ivanovic.


"Jelena has had a fantastic year and displayed incredible grit and determination," stated Sony Ericsson WTA Tour CEO Larry Scott. "In addition to her tremendous talent and skill on the tennis court, Jelena also finds a special way to entertain and engage her fans, adding a unique spark and personality to our sport that is appreciated worldwide. Jelena's success adds another milestone for Serbian tennis and I am sure we will continue to witness great achievements by her."


"We are delighted to congratulate Jelena on the brilliant achievement of becoming No.1," remarked Aldo Liguori, Corporate VP and Head of Global Communications & PR, Sony Ericsson. "She joins a distinguished list of players who have held the top spot. Sony Ericsson is proud to be associated with the ongoing success of the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour as it continues to raise the profile of women's tennis."


Jankovic began defining herself as a potential No.1 two years ago, when she labored past a string of 10 consecutive losses and a ranking drop to No.38 in the middle of the year. She successfully turned the season around and vaulted to No.12 by year end. Since then, the Serbian has been a consistent figure in the Top 10, securely staying inside the elite since February 26, 2007. Her season-ending ranking has improved from No.194 (in 2002), to No.85 (in 2003), to No.28 (in 2004), to No.22 (in 2005), to No.12 (2006) and to No.3 (in 2007).


Где је Маркоман? Зар ја да будем први који ће постовати ову вест? :)

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ispasce da se kurcim, ali lepo rekoh mom matorom danas popodne, razbice ga novak na betonu, smesne su ove kvote na kladzi, laka pobeda protiv gulbisa znaci da se vratio u formu koliko-toliko, sto je sasvim dovoljno za pobedu nad nadalom na ovoj podlozi. tako i bi. sutra u finalu sanse 70-30% za novaka.

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Јеби га, са онаквим сервисом и онолико грешака, добро је и да је до два тај брејка стигао. У сваком случају, нових 345 поена... Јеб'га...

Разиграо се овај пацовчић Мареј у последње време...

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Не може сваки дан да улази скоро свака као јуче. Нема везе, држи прикључак, прошле године је испао у првом колу на овом турниру.

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Ovo je NECUVENO. Da drugi put protiv istog jebenog igraca potpuno isto retardirano odigra... fascinantno! Da, Marej je zaista zasluzio pobedu danas.. treba izdrzati onolike protivnikove zicere u aut ili mrezu (naizmenicno).. vecina ljudi nema mentalnu snagu za to :rolleyes: Ajd jedan mec jos nekako, ali da covek uspe da se nakalibrise da POTPUNO ISTO sam sebe pobedi u dva meca za redom sa Marejom, pa to je vec zaista nesto!



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