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Izgleda da je Nole proveo malcice vise vremena igrajuci golf nego spremajuci se za heat wave poslednjih dana. Ali ja ne mogu da ga krivim. Roddick-u svaka cast na kondiciji. Mec je poceo na preko 40 stepeni Celzijusa na terenu (van stadiona je bilo 'svega' oko 37), posle dva seta narasla je na 55 stepeni a posle tri seta na 62 stepena Celzijusa. I ovi moroni ne nameste krov. Fora im je da kao kad napolju dostigne 40 stepeni, e onda. Evo sad su ga namestili, i svi kenjaju kako je danas jos 'mnogo' toplije nego juce, ali nigde ne vidim snimke termometra na terenu kao juce. Juce su ih pokazivali 10-tak puta. Pazite, velika je razlika igrati tenis na 40 ili 62 stepena Celzijusa (koliko je bilo na terenu kad se Djokovic finalno predao). I zato, kazem, Roddick-u svaka cast. Cetvoro igraca je samo juce odustalo, a niko nije igrao u nagorem terminu sem Noleta i Roddick-a. Najgori termin je izmedju 4 i 6 u Melburnu, apsolutno nesnosno. U podne je milina.



I onda sve ciganske novine tupe kako je eto odustao da igra na 37.1 stepeni (koliko je tada bilo na aerodromu gde li mere, kazu da je cak u luci bio neki vetric, temperatura bila 25 stepeni) a jebeni termometar na terenu pokazuje 62!!! Pa nije on odustao od meca na plazi ili na aerodromu, oca vam jebem hohstaplerskog (to ja ovim govnima novinarskim).


Drugo, namestali su Jeleni Dokic 4. po redu nocni mec, ipak je ljubimica, sponzori, lova, treba izmusti pricu dok je friska.





Izvor www.australianopen4u.com



It would be unfair to say that Andy Roddick does not deserve to be in the semifinals of the 2009 Australian Open. In the same breath, it also has to be said that Novak Djokovic was dealt a bad hand by Tennis Australia and a tournament referee who fiddled while the defending champion burned on court.


In the world of sports, it’s usually a good thing to be on fire, but in the case of Djokovic–who defeated Jo-Wilfried Tsonga to claim his first Grand Slam title one year ago in Melbourne–that expression took on a regrettably more literal meaning in the first major tournament of 2009. Exhausted and drained by the overwhelming summer heat Down Under, Djokovic–the bearer of two previous retirements in the later rounds of slams–checked out of battle once again. Roddick might have forged a clear upper hand in the course of this contest, but Djokovic’s exit after three games in the fourth set took some of the sweetness away from the American’s latest march to the Aussie Open semis. The 6-7 (3), 6-4, 6-2, 2-1 (ret.) victory gave Roddick his fourth career semifinal appearance in Melbourne, but not without a considerable amount of controversy.


This match, which delivered a big-league brand of ball in the first two sets, won’t be remembered for its tennis. It won’t be remembered for Djokovic’s brilliantly airtight first-set tiebreak, a classic exhibition of ruthless efficiency from the ground. It won’t be remembered for Roddick’s superb serving or a series of clutch volleys that enabled him to put away the second set and level the match, thereby preventing Djokovic from a quick straight-set conquest. This match won’t be remembered for the artful slice backhand approach that enabled Roddick to take the lead for good in the third set at 3-2, and it won’t be remembered for the hustle Roddick displayed in retrieving drop shots on a continuous basis, reminding his weary opponent about the identity of the fitter player on a brutal afternoon.


No, the only thing about this match that will stick in the public memory is that Djokovic–still relatively young at 21 years of age–once again bowed out of a big-time battle, all because of factors entirely under the control of tournament organizers.


The first errant decision made by the folks at Tennis Australia was to assign Djokovic to a daytime quarterfinal after the Serbian star stayed up well past his bedtime in the fourth round against Marcos Baghdatis. Djokovic’s Sunday night match turned into a late show special, as the four-set contest ended well after 2 a.m. in Melbourne. Under such a circumstance, it seemed proper to give the defending champion the benefit of sufficient turnaround time. The decision should have been made easier by the fact that Roger Federer–in the other section of the bottom half of the men’s draw–played a daytime match in the fourth round. There was no reason to give Fed extra rest and compress Djokovic’s schedule. Putting the Serb on court at night would have given both Federer and Djokovic equal amounts of rest before the quarterfinals, with a possible semifinal showdown looming on the horizon. When Djokovic got pushed into the daytime, the men’s tournament lost a degree of fairness.


But that wasn’t even the half of it.


The far worse offense–much more significant than the scheduling–was the refusal of the tournament referee to close the roof in accordance with the Australian Open’s extreme heat policy.


This match started with the on-court temperature exceeding 40 degrees celsius (104 Fahrenheit). By the time the third set started–with the shadows not yet covering the Laver Arena playing surface–the mercury hit 55 degrees Celsius (131 Fahrenheit). For Djokovic–a player who has consistently struggled with fitness issues in drawn-out matches played under demanding conditions–the furnace-like heat was the last thing he needed. The same man who retired from the 2006 French Open semifinals and the 2007 Wimbledon semis (both against Rafael Nadal, incidentally) lost his energy and the look of health as the match wore on. His face flushed and his eyes darting during changeovers, Djokovic lost the ability to run at full speed, a death-knell for anyone intent on winning tennis’s ultimate prizes.


At the start of the fourth set, with Roddick leading two sets to one, the on-court temperature climbed even higher, to 61 C/142 F. The question on everyone’s mind, as Djokovic’s body broke down, was simply this: If 61 degrees Celsius doesn’t represent the need to enforce an extreme heat policy and close the roof, what conditions would require such a measure? The fans inside Laver Arena, whose sun-drenched seats were only half-full due to the pounding heat, had to be scratching their heads as Djokovic requested attention for his deteriorating body just before the fourth set began.


For all that’s been said about the retirements on the women’s side of this event, the men have not been exempt from their own issues. Marion Bartoli of France didn’t put up much of a fight in the match preceding the Djokovic-Roddick encounter, but at least the Frenchwoman stayed on court until the natural end of her match. Djokovic’s newest late-round retirement in a slam, which cheated the ticket-buying public, reflects poorly on the Serb to a considerable extent. Yet, it cannot be denied that this unfortunate occurrence also shines a negative spotlight on the tournament referee, who had every opportunity to close the roof and thereby ensure that a Grand Slam quarterfinal would produce a winner based on tennis, not attrition.


Andy Roddick deserves–pun intended– his day in the sun after using his fitness to gain another semifinal apperance in Australia. But as much as the American should not have to apologize for winning under unusual circumstances, it’s just as true that an apology is exactly what needs to emerge from the people who run the Australian Open. There’s only one more daytime session at this tournament. Given the heat being forecast for Melbourne, that day session will be one too many if Tennis Australia doesn’t literally put a lid on its problems.

Edited by Kalif nad Kalifama

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A ko ubija Verdaska? Nadal :)

Bolji od ovog meca je jedino onaj izmedju Federera i Nadala na Wimbldonu. Jedva cekam finale da Fed-Ex pocisti indijanca. Ipak, svaka mu cast. Ne volim ga, ali je covjek za totalni respekt. Muka mi je kad vidim kako ga ljudi pljuju iz ciste ljubomore jer se u proteklom periodu bukvalno srao na njihove ljubimce.

Djokovic je dobro krenuo, steta sto je ispao. Samo ne kapiram sto ga toliko 'vadi' ta temperatura, pa jel Rodik mozda igrao u aerodromskom holu? Budimo realni, termin je izuzetno los. I seru sto onoj Sereni namjestaju krov jer je gospodjici vruce - ali to ne opravdava cinjenicu da je Novak cesto jedna obicna baba koja se stalno prenemaze, posebno kad gubi. Precesto mu se to desava, il je mozda zbog toga sto je on 'clean' a ovi ostali se sigurno dopinguju. Onda nek se puca i on, il da cuti i muski izgura to do kraja.

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Nisam još gledao bolji meč od ovoga sad.


Verdasko ubija. :da:



Родикова изјава на неком од ранијих турнира упућена судији: "Ти си идиот. Децо, идите у школу, иначе ћете постати тениске судије".


:) :) :)

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Најдуховитије изјаве даје.


Rodik je rekao da se divi Federeru, kao igraču koji se potpuno razlikuje od svih ostalih.


„Protiv njega skoro uvek znate na koju bi stranu trebalo da idete, ali uprkos tome, on uspeva da osvoji te poene. To je ono što ga razlikuje od ostalih. Protiv ostalih znate da možete da pobedite ako sprovedete svoj plan. To ume malo da iritira. Ipak, ovo je bio dobar meč. Jednostavno, pobedio me je“, kazao je Amerikanac.

:) :)

"Мало", хаха..

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A ko ubija Verdaska? Nadal :)


Na stranu to, bio je bolju Verdasko. Sjebale su ga neprinuđene greške. Onaj "indijanac" ( :) ) ne greši...


Sad se gleda finale. Navijam za Rafu ovaj put.


Jel zna neko jel imao neko više finala od ove dvojice? Tj jel se susretao neko toliko puta u finalu? Možda Agasi i Sampras?

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Jest da sam navijao za Nadala , ali jako mi je bilo zao Federera , covek je emotivan , i zasluzuje ne 14 , nego 15 titula , realno najbolji je teniser svih vremena.

Nadal je trenutno neprikosnoven , mislim da ce osvojiti i US open u narednim sezonama .


Voleo bih da Federer osvoji Vimbldon ove godine .

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Nadal, taj klinac mi je postao simpatican, iznad svega sto je hrabar! Federer sa druge strane uvek ce biti najbolji igrac, ali nije mi toliko simpatican. Djokovic igra samo za pare, a i kukavica je! Sramota sa onolikim predavanjem meceva, postaje smesan, ali ako je stvarno bolestan, neka se povuce na jedno 6 meseci i resi te zdravstvene probleme (bilo psihicke ili fizicke ima on lovu za to, da ga lece najbolji lekari na svetu)

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