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Hypocrisy (8)

Dark Tranquillity (8)

Insomnium (7)

At the Gates (7)

Arch Enemy (6)

Dzej (6)

Dragana Mirkovic (6)

Nightrage (6)

Amon Amarth (6)

Toma Zdravkovic (6)

Aca Lukas (5)

Halid Muslimovic (5)

Norther (5)

Kalmah (5)

Soilwork (5)

Bloodbath (5)

Dimension Zero (5)

Miroslav Ilic (5)

The Duskfall (5)

Mors Principium Est (4)


Samo mi nesto nije jasno . Insomnium nikad nisam slusao , Draganu Mirkovic sam banovao , Nightrage nemam pojma sta je , Aca Lukas banovan , Norther uopste ne slusam , kao ni Kalmah i Soilwork , a ni Dimension Zero , a ni Duskfall . Za ovaj Mors Principium Est prvi sam put cuo .


A zato mi nigde nema Volbeat-a koji mi cini nekih 75% svih pesama koje sam slusao . Nema Tome koji je drugoplasirani , nema treceplasiranog Tozovca , ... Nema ovo veze sa zivotom .

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Moje poklapanje ukusa sa ljudima sa yuma,koji su mi medju friendsima na lastu:


DefunctusRS's friend compatibility:


























Ja sam treca, vuhu :veseli:

Ti sluas kul muziku i zato se radujem :D

Sa metalcima sam very low, u najboljem slucaju low.


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Kaže ovako:


orthodoxcaveman's eclectic score is




I drugi:


orthodoxcaveman's super-eclectic score is




The following are the artists with the most occurences in your list


* Aereogramme (9)

* Oceansize (7)

* Riverside (7)

* iLiKETRAiNS (6)

* Saxon Shore (6)

* Crippled Black Phoenix (6)

* Mogwai (6)

* Logh (6)

* dredg (6)

* Mono (6)

* Red Sparowes (5)

* Blackfield (5)

* Anathema (5)

* Kasabian (5)

* Snow Patrol (5)

* A Whisper in the Noise (5)

* Explosions in the Sky (5)

* A Silver Mt. Zion (5)

* Opeth (5)

* Editors (5)

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@planina to se ovako radi



There is more than one band with this name:

1) Originating from Arlington, Virginia, United States of America, one of the earliest doom bands around, having been around in one form or another since 1971, it’s safe to say that Pentagram had a big impact on Sabbath insp bla bla bal............


2) Pentagram (internationally known as Mezarkabul) is one of the most famous and spectacular heavy metal bands in Turkey. Their first album, the self titled “Pentagram” was released in 1990 and consisted of speed/thrash metal songs. Murat Net, who would later be replaced by Demir Demirkan, played lead guitar for their first record.


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Juhu, evo i mene:


lotophagi's super-eclectic score is



As this number is larger, you have a more eclectic musical preference. People with scores over 700 have bragging rights.


The following are the artists with the most occurences in your list


* PJ Harvey (6)

* Alanis Morissette (5)

* Bonnie 'Prince' Billy (5)

* Natalie Imbruglia (4)

* Annie Lennox (3)

* Susheela Raman (3)

* Ben Kweller (3)

* Tori Amos (3)

* M. Ward (3)

* Peter Gabriel (3)

* Sarah McLachlan (3)

* Stereophonics (3)

* Travis (3)

* Athlete (3)

* Otis Redding (3)

* Embrace (3)

* Wilson Pickett (3)

* Prem Joshua (3)

* Laura Marling (3)

* Suzanne Vega (3)

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Jebem mu majku , slusam Mladena Tomica , legendu narodne muzike , a na last.fm-u je Mladen Tomic ustvari neki DJ . Ispade sada da slusam neki tehno .


Haha, a ja gledam bas u tvoj profil i vidim Mladen Tomic - mladjan momak, onako urbano deluje sa slusalicama, bese mi uvrnuto  :)  

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Ma zbog tog lika mi izasle u preporukama 3 strane nekih DJ-eva . Izludjuje me ! Razmisljam da promenim id3 tagove svih pesama i da za izvodjaca stavim Tomic Mladen . Ne mogu vise ocima da gledam onog lika .


EDIT : Ucinjeno ! Ima ovaj AIMP dobar tag editor .

Edited by Planina u pokretu

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  • 2 weeks later...

nije los ovaj aimp, cini mi se da ima mnogo vise opcija od winampa pogotovo mi se svidja ova opcija da se komp sam gasi kad se zavrsi playlista... ali nisam se jos navikao na njega, a nema opciju enqueued(tj alt+levi klik) a ni opciju za pretregu liste (u winampu komanda koja se poziva kad pritisnes j)...mozda i postoje nego ja ne mogu da ih nadjem...


nego sta je ovo sa last.fm-om sa svima mi pokazuje vecu kompatibilnost nego pre :)

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Queue - kliknes na pesmu , pa pritisnes Q ( ovo je isto kao i u winampu :D )

Pretraga liste - imas na dnu playliste polje quick search , po meni mnogo bolje odradjeno nego u winampu


Meni je samo problem sto skoro svu muziku sto skidam , skidam sa youtube-a u flv formatu , sa sve spotom , pa ne mogu da scroble-ujem ove fajlove .


Samo Kvakinu pesmu ,, Svirajte mi nocas opet " sam preslusao bar 300-400 puta ( stavio na repeat i nisam prekidao 2 dana ) , a Mehina ,,Ja ne znam gde je ona" ne zaostaje ni malo . Tek sam je pre dan-dva prebacio u mp3 .

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Jebem mu majku , slusam Mladena Tomica , legendu narodne muzike , a na last.fm-u je Mladen Tomic ustvari neki DJ . Ispade sada da slusam neki tehno .

Znam, tako je i meni za NightFall.

Ja slusam ove nase, a na last.fm-u mi racunaju da slusam Grke.


Neko je vec rekao, samo editujes onaj text, al' i stavis to sto ti slusas na prvo mesto i kraj. :bigblue:

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As this number is larger, you have a more eclectic musical preference. People with scores over 700 have bragging rights. People whose score is below 400 should consider more musical styles!


The following are the artists with the most occurences in your list


* Månegarm (13)

* Falkenbach (12)

* Темнозорь (10)

* KromleK (10)

* Thyrfing (10)

* Nokturnal Mortum (10)

* XIV Dark Centuries (9)

* Arkona (9)

* Kroda (9)

* Moonsorrow (9)

* Einherjer (9)

* Graveland (8)

* Menhir (8)

* Folkearth (8)

* Windir (7)

* Kampfar (7)

* Thrudvangar (6)

* Dub Buk (6)

* Myrkgrav (6)

* Cruachan (6)




Meni nece da pokaze kompatibilnosti citav dan


uspelo samo sa brunhildom :)



A ima i ovaj drugi


The following script takes the 20 top artists in your musical profile from Last.fm, and finds the collection of top 5 similar artists for this top 20. The resulting is a list of artists similar to your preferred artists. As the list is larger (maximum = 100), your musical preference is more diverse.


My eclectic score is currently






The 89 related artists for my profile are After Forever, Agathodaimon, Alice in Chains, Antonio Vivaldi, Arcturus, Astrofaes, Audioslave, Azarath, Bathory, Before the Dawn, Belphegor (2), Brutal Truth, Cannibal Corpse (2), Carcass, Chris Cornell, Cruachan, Decapitated, Diablo, Diabolical Masquerade, Drudkh, Dub Buk, Einherjer (3), Empyrium, Ensiferum, Epica, Equilibrium, Evoken, Falkenbach, Finntroll, Fjoergyn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Georg Friedrich Händel, Haggard, Hate Forest (2), Heidevolk, Hypocrisy, Ihsahn, In the Woods..., Insomnium, Kampfar (2), Kataxu, Korpiklaani, Kroda, Limbonic Art, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Menhir (2), Minas Morgul, Moonsorrow, Moonspell, Morbid Angel, Mournful Congregation, My Dying Bride, My Shameful, Myrkgrav, Månegarm (3), Naglfar, Nasum, Nest, Neun Welten, Nile, Nokturnal Mortum (2), Paradise Lost (2), Remembrance, Rivendell, Rotten Sound, Samael, Screaming Trees, Sear Bliss, Sentenced, Skepticism, Suffocation, Summoning, Temple of the Dog, Tenhi, Therion, Thyrfing, Tiamat, Tristania, Turisas, Vader, Vesania, Vital Remains, Vàli, Walknut, Watain, Winds, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wyrd, Темнозорь

Edited by Night`s Dew

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