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Odrastale u crkveni konak

Vječno željne što čovjeku treba

Gledale ste krijući i lažno

Kako stvari padaju sa neba

Odrastale otrgnute svega

Pohotne su izrastale želje

U konaku oltaru i horu

Odjekuju sve vaše krevelje

Odrastale djevojke nebesa

Da se služi hrišćanskom simbolu

Željne strasti djece i bijesa

Živjele ste u vječitom bolu

Odrastale pod komandom crkve

Drugi vodi vaš sopstveni život

Krijući ste bludničile sestre

Ispred mjesta koje krasi ćivot.

Odrastale zavidjeći drugim

Govoreći istim divno časno

Ja ću vječno da u crkvu služim

Izbavljenje od krsta je kasno

Zbog vaših nedjela ponosne jeste

Predivne mlade bludnice sestre!






Uzalud prilaziš crkvenoj šupi

Opet u zemlji biće ti grob

U tami u gnoju u crkvenoj šupi

Raspadnut leži sveštenik pop.

Mošti ću vaše sakrit u jamu

Za vaše sjeme da se ne zna

Skovaću vama kosti u tamu

Isposnik svaki to neka zna.

Volim da svetim vašem se rodu

Zauvjek to mi ispunja duh

I šiljci mrtvila neka te bodu

Ikona pala to sad je čuh.

Gledam vas često popovi stari

U vama ću zarijet čelik sad čvrst

Za svoju raku pop neka ne mari

Na čelu mi stoji obrnut krst.





Uzalud vam posti,krsti kaludjeri

Rogatoga predlažem ti odaberi

Uzalud vam boga Hrista sveštenici

Začuće se vaši krici zloumnici

Tražite li svoga boga isposnici

Krišku hljeba nasušnoga bogoljubci

Gledate li lažna boga presvetoga

Pogledajte Kopitara Rogatoga

Ikona se lako lomi istorijska

Slomljen stubac trošna crkva vizantijska

Vaša knjiga mnogo stara meni nova

Mnogo ljudi i naroda zlom otrova

Dugo traju vaše laži nevjernici

Bolne duše i skriveni pohotnici

Radi krsta trista vrsta na bojišta

Za odbranu lažna boga svetitilišta

Tvoju vjeru ne priznajem gubitničku

Čiste misli od vjekova rušilničku

Kopito se otisnulo preko svijeta

Velika je Rogatoga sveta četa

Čuvaj mi se i opremi asketistu

Obrnuću tvoju vjeru sad u Hristu.

Hvaljen bio Rogati Kopitar te bogoslovio :rockdevil:

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Ladno recenzija na arhivama :)


Montenegro is a small state which declared independence in 2006 from the state union of Serbia and Montenegro. This band, Iguman, was founded in 2004 and it is the first release of a Black Metal band from the newest fully recognized country in the world; according to Wikipedia (2008-01-10). Is it possible to expect something new and fresh from this band? Will the barriers of the ordinary be broken down with their first release?


Well… Iguman is different, but in a way a lot of people would be annoyed by. Music from the underground has its own atmosphere, often unpolished and chaotic and more often it is also bad produced. Yet what Rogati Kopitar offers here is nothing but a weird form of Black Metal, which surely is hard to find in the entire underground scene. Let me put it this way: the likeliness to get the idea behind a song depends on how much time someone wants to spend by listening to it and how much efforts this person wants to put into it. Of course some basics always occur and they are important for the creation of music, yet their sheer presence does not necessarily, vice versa, lead to some ‘ear-friendly’ compositions or arrangements. What Iguman has done on this record is pure blasphemy. They took the liberty in creating such a weird, this word is still euphemistic, expression of Black Metal, which leaves no other choice than to travel to Montenegro and to kick them in the nuts.


Shall I like this demo? Shall I demise it? Shall I praise it? Shall I crush it? How to actually handle this one has trickled me for some time and to be frank I have not listened much to this demo. 14 minutes, not much longer is it, are surely fast gone by, but there was never really the motivation to listen to it over a longer period of time. It might be due to the arrangement on the title track, which has the same influence on the listener like a volcanic eruption on the fauna close to the volcano. Astonishing and perplexing is the kind of arrangement the band chose, after a choir part gave the demo such a peaceful atmosphere. This cheerful harmony was violently disrupted first by a distorted scream and then some extraordinary weird guitar arrangement; which sound sampled, though. Yet this is only the beginning of the mess or brilliant attempt in which the elements of the song have been woven together. Brilliance and madness are always close together and both often appear in a unity. What degree any of them had an influence is mere guesswork, though.


Back to the music. The vocals are a mixture of fast croaking and high screams. While the former is a little bit strange, the latter is quite well performed and works well with the music. Of the drums mostly the snares are possible to recognize, especially as the music is pretty bass-less the bass-drum is vanished somewhere under the sound or noise of the guitars; which are dominating undoubtedly. To describe them is quite a difficult task. Well, two guitars-lines exist and one of them is the rhythm-guitar of course. Its play is limited to a repetition of a number of riffs over the whole length of a song. The other one is some sort of a lead-guitar, but its play is that what makes the music often quite hard to endure. Its riffs tend to be according to the overall tempo or work as a counter-point; Bludnice Sestre. My knowledge of music is too limited to judge whether the played riffs are accordingly to any rule of musicianship or if they are merely some kind of attempt to create a chaotic atmosphere; the problem brilliance and insanity. Nevertheless, this facet does not make things easier for the listener. There is sometimes some kind of structure in the play of the second guitar, but not over the whole length.


I am astounded by the performance of Iguman on this release, like I was by the first demo of Epoch. There is some unique facet in the music, which raises its quality over the level of the ordinary. Undoubtedly is this release nothing for someone merely familiar with mainstream Black Metal. Yet to whom should this be recommended? Fans of the underground scene with the ability to endure a good deal of weird and chaotic music. There is already a full-length announced an I wonder how this might sound.




Performance: underground Black Metal in its weirdest form.

Production: guitars and vocals (screams) are dominating, drums too far in the background

Song-writing: insane or brilliant

Annoying: degree of annoyance depends on the musical background of the listener.

Booklet: Xerox copied, hardly information on the band, no lyrics.

Length: 14-15 minutes.

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Hvala Gojko.


Realno onaj recezent na arhivama je izvukao celu sushtinu Igumana, i svaka m uchast. I sto gubiti vreme na recenziranju ovoga kada imate ovako dobru recenziju. Bolje idite pishite malo o May Resultu. :)

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Ovo je omot posljednjeg reizdanja, prvog na disku...




Carnal Sadist Productions has officially released the Iguman cult's latest offering, "Rogati Kopitar" on compact disc. This is the first CSP cd release, and one of a rare occurrence. This is 4 tracks of Satanic doctrine, spit from the bowels of Montenegro. This is NOT for everyone! Forget the concept, but if you're into the sound of Goat Vulva...you'll appreciate this. It's complete madness.


Labels and distros, get in touch for trades and wholesale. All others, this cd will go for $7 USD+shipping.

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