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BTW, samo da naglasim da je Olja prva ustanovila postojanje ovog kultnog benda!


Shamy je potajno u sebi veliki fan i postovalac ovog benda. :D Jebesh ti Power kada je tu CGUSBM .

Edited by Lunar

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Evo da ne čekate:


This release came as a total shock to me. Chaotic black metal band from Montenegro? You've got to be kidding. But they seem to be dead serious. So what's it like?


Well, take the word "bad", put it into superlative, place four emphasis adjectives before it and you still wouldn't be even remotely describing this music. Every single component which music consists of cannot possibly be worse than this. Noisegrind bands are Mozart for this shit. Guitars are not tuned, drums are totally chaotic and vocals... Well, vocals resemble the essence and sum of all Christian martyrdom since the Roman empire onwards. Production was certainly done on the worst integrated sound card available, and I'm not even sure the record was actually mixed or mastered.


Paradoxically, all these elements together create such a ridiculously hilarious atmosphere that you will probably be drenched in tears by the end of the demo. After the relatively usual intro song, "Molitva", which might even mislead you to expect something majestic, the scream out of 9th circle marks the beginning of the 2nd track, "Rogati kopitar", which is basically not possible to translate into English without losing a great deal of its meaning (as is the case with the majority of the lyrics). The track contains the fastest tremolo riffing on this side of universe. However, not even the chaotic nature of this track cannot prepare you for the flesh-ripping sonic torment of the next one, "Bludnice Sestre". This track is so blasphemous and inverted that the guitar track itself was reversed, although the drums and vocals weren't. As for the vocals, well, you have to hear it for yourself, as I don't think any available human dictionary could find suitable words for them. After a religious chanting starts, the highlight of the album comes - a singular scream which sounds as if someone suddenly ripped a tit off an old woman with a sore throat. Shortly afterwards, the 4th and final track starts, continuing in much the same fashion, with the addition of guitar arpeggios which would make Michael Amott stand in awe.


All in all, this is such incredible shit that I find it completely ingenious. It doesn't take a lot of brains to make a bad album, but to make an album which is THIS bad, that's a stellar achievement. The word "kvlt" is redefined. This should be a part of everyone's collection.

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All in all, this is such incredible shit that I find it completely ingenious. It doesn't take a lot of brains to make a bad album, but to make an album which is THIS bad, that's a stellar achievement. The word "kvlt" is redefined. This should be a part of everyone's collection.

Ovo je zanimljiv zakljucak :)

Dobra recenzija, samo si se posrao po albumu vise nego sto zasluzuje. Iskreno. Da je ovo doslo iz Norveske ili mracnih katakombi Francuske, album bi izvukao 50% i. Ovako, uz svu ovu zajebanciju i sprdnju na forumu, treba hrabrosti(i ludosti) pa reci kako je ovaj album, u okvirima demo snimaka usisivackog black metal zanra, sasvim solidan. Ali baba sa upalom grla kojoj su iznenadno odsjekli sisu je priceless :) Uvjek se okinem od smijeha na taj pocetak, i onda kapiram da nema sanse da vise ikad ozbiljno uzmem u obzir album, ma koliko pokusavao.

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Dobra recenzija, samo si se posrao po albumu vise nego sto zasluzuje. Iskreno. Da je ovo doslo iz Norveske ili mracnih katakombi Francuske, album bi izvukao 50% i. Ovako, uz svu ovu zajebanciju i sprdnju na forumu, treba hrabrosti(i ludosti) pa reci kako je ovaj album, u okvirima demo snimaka usisivackog black metal zanra, sasvim solidan. Ali baba sa upalom grla kojoj su iznenadno odsjekli sisu je priceless :) Uvjek se okinem od smijeha na taj pocetak, i onda kapiram da nema sanse da vise ikad ozbiljno uzmem u obzir album, ma koliko pokusavao.


Na ovo sam i ja mislio na pochetku ove teme. :)


Eh Gojko je jedini ovde Troo Satanic Underground Black metalac, zato sto ima fizicku kopiju ovakvog CGSUBM albuma.

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Петар I Петровић и Петар II Петровић се, видим ја, увелико ротирају у часноме ковчегу.


Стварно бе нисте читави, блекенигерси. :)




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Gojko si preko Ajna ti uzeo Rogatog? Ako jesi mogao si mi reci pa da i ja nehsto uzmem pa da podelimo poshtarinu. XD


Nisam preko Ajne, nego preko ortaka iz Amerike, ima još 5-6 kopija u skladištu :) Nije problem, javi se da se dogovorimo ako hoćeš.


Inače, albumu sam dao 100%.

Edited by Gojko

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Moze li neko da nam sredi intervju za Metal sound?




da nastupa na ms. ima mi da mu sviramo instrumente, a gojko da se pokloni kultu



molim vas intervju i sledecu svirku da budu hedlajneri!!!!!!111

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