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Hm, pitam se sto se toliko potenciraju braca Koen, posebno film No country for old men. Nakon dosta muke i natezanja, odgledao sam taj film prije nekih mjesec i po. Vise mi je bio pun kurac preporuka i zgranutih izjava "nisi gledao film, ne seri!". I sto dobijem - dobar film, ali nista vise. Obzirom na toliki hajp, bio sam silno razocaran. Mozda da sam film gledao bez tih silnih najava i bujica hvale, ovako..

Mogu u detalje, ali bih volio prvo da cujem neko dobro obrazlozenje. Najbolje sto sam do sada cuo jeste "ne mogu ti ja brate to objasnit, moras da proniknes u film" :)

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Maybe Logic, dokumentarac o Robert Anton Wilsonu,nije neka vrh produkcija, ali ima dobrih fora.



Guerrilla ontologist. Psychedelic magician. Outer head of the Illuminati. Quantum psychologist. Sit-down comic/philosopher. Discordian Pope. Whatever the label and rank, Robert Anton Wilson is undeniably one of the foundations of 21th Century Western counterculture. Maybe Logic - The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson is a cinematic alchemy that conjures it all together in a hilarious and mind-bending journey guaranteed to increase your brain size 2 - 3 inches! From the water coolers and staff meetings of Playboy and the earth-shattering transmission of the Illuminatus! Trilogy, to fire-breathing senior citizen and Taoist sage, Robert Anton Wilson is a man who has passed through the trials of chapel perilous and found himself on wondrous ground where nothing is for certain, even the treasured companionship of a six-foot-tall white rabbit. This is footage spanning 25 years and the best of over 100 hours of footage thoroughly tweaked, transmuted and regenerated, Maybe Logic follows a reality labyrinth which leads through the hollows of human perception to the vast star fields of Sirius where we find one man alone, joyfully accepting his status as Damned Old Crank and Cosmic Schmuck. Beaming with insight, frustration, compassion, and unshakable optimism, the ever-open eye of Robert Anton Wilson penetrates human illusions exposing the mathematical probabilities and spooky synchronicities of the 8 dimensions of his Universe.
Edited by Vidi Ovo Broji

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Zašto niko ništa ne priča o FAF-u? Počeo je još 26-og.


Festival autorskog filma osnovan je i traje sa namerom da Beograd upozna sa vrhunskim ostvarenjima sedme umetnosti u svetu. Festival okuplja filmove koji poseduju umetničku vrednost, bez obzira na bilo koju drugu vrstu pripadnosti ili orijentacije (rasne, nacionalne, verske, rodne, političke, seksualne…). Ostvarenja koja se ovde prikazuju drugačija su od većine filmova sa redovnog bioskopskog reperotoara: ona ne teže pukoj zabavi, već traganju za dubljom, istinitijom i kompleksnijom slikom današnjeg sveta i čoveka. Dva su aspekta koja, od svog osnivanja, ova manifestacija posebno razvija:


- Traganje za novim mogućnostima filmskog izraza (“nova energija” autorskog filma) i

- Obnavljanje klasičnih obrazaca filmske naracije u izmenjenom tehnološkom i civilizacijskom kontekstu




Sjutra Pandorina kutija.




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Festival autorksog je kul stvar. Ali srecom vecina toga ima da se skine po torrentima :wub:


Управо. Ево баш јуче сам скинуо свих 6 шпанских хорора који ће се приказати на фестивалу.


Preporuka van autorskog



Predstava 'Hamleta' u Mrdusi Donjoj



film koji je bio u "bunkeru".. Odgledajyte i saznajte zashto. I da li smo se ich promenili... :)


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