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Riblja Čorba


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Pivo from Australia here.


I was a big fan of Riblja Corba while Bajaga & Rajko Kojic were in the band. I recently started listening to the early albums.


Rajko Kojic's guitar playing was amazing. His phrasing was unbelievable.


What ever happened to Rajko & does anybody know why he left Corba?


Riblja Corba really sucked after he left.


Thanks for any response!

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1. Does anybody know why he left Corba?

2. What ever happened to Rajko?

1. He was kicked out because of his unwillingness to commit to the more show-biz side of the job: he failed to appear on some TV shows, press conferences and, most important of all, he (together with Bajaga) refused to go on a summer tour to play in greek hotels thinking it was not appropriate for a rock band of that caliber to do that kind of gigs. That happened in summer of 1984.


2. He died April 11th, 1997, after a long illness which was most probably caused by years of drug abuse...


And yeah, Rajko was the man. Blues man.


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lepo ti objasni coveku... pa izbacili ga iz corbe zbog gudre laugh.gif


inace corba je bila zesca sa rajkom,ali dzinderu kapa dole...


ma corba!!!!











Edited by diamond73

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Sorry folks, my knowledge of Serbian is very little.


But I will try:


Kupio sam CD "Corbo Uzivo U Zagreb '85' Kad je Dzinder vec bio u Corbi.


Kad su svirali stare pesme sa Dzinder na solo gitari - nije bilo isto. Totalno je sjebao 'dva dinara druze'. Dzinder svira brzo, ali Kojic je svirao kao pesnik.


Sorry, English again....


There are 2 guitar solos that I think are the best in the world:


Guns 'N Roses 'Sweet Child O Mine (totalno ludo, melodicno i ocecajno) & Kojicev solo in 'Ostani Dubre Do Kraja'.


I think that Corba would have been much better if they kept Rajko in.


On another note, what ever happened to Cutura? I only noticed him in '8. Nervno Slom' & 'Istina'?


Fala za odgovore

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My favorite song would be 'Neke su žene pratile vojnike', and his playing is just painful...


Džindžer is missing that blues background Rajko had. In the beginning, Džindžer was pretty much into heavy metal type of playing, but having in mind Čorba's diversity, that had soon lost its edge...


And 'bout Čutura, he left Čorba at the very end of 1988.

While still in the band, he started writing songs for other people (including Yu grupa, Kerber and Dejan Cukić, to name a few, if familiar), and released three solo albums (in 1988, 1989, 1991) before his exile to London where he played in pubs, sometimes with some other yugoslav musicians (like Koja from Disciplin a Kitschme).

In 1998 he made an album called I.D. which is really great record, but I haven't got any info about him since that. I guess he is still in London but I don't know what does he do for living. I'll ask around to see if I can dig up something...

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Hej Borislav.


I really love 'Neke su Zene Pratile Vojnike' as well - it's my favourite Corba song ever. I could never find a live version of it though.


Are there any other live recording from the Kojic/Bajaga era apart from 'U Ime Naroda'?


I've only heard 'Fuck My Father' from Cutura. It's an OK song, a little brain-dead if you know what I mean!

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Pobedi Negdje is good...not my favourite.


My all time favourites apart from 'Neke su zene..' are everything that they played on the 'u ime narada' album.


Ah...and you can't beat U Dva Ce Cistaci Odneti Dubre'...what a classic.


I think Vitko M. was releasing unofficial Corba live recording (like the one that I have that was taped in Zagreb from the Istina tour). Does anybody know where I could get them from. The internet somewhere maybe?

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In 1998 he made an album called I.D. which is really great record, but I haven't got any info about him since that. I guess he is still in London but I don't know what does he do for living. I'll ask around to see if I can dig up something...

He was recently visiting his parents and friends here, and it seems he's coming back to live here again.


Moj bas player/komšija Pera je nedavno na roštilju imao nenadano Ranđu i Čuturu kao goste. Njegove prve komšije u deliblatskoj peščari - vikendica do vikendice su matorci Čuturila, tako da se njih dvojca znaju, pa su se videli kad je svratio letos do ćaleta. Valjda čeka da mu žena dobije državljanstvo i britansku šošku, pa će se onda vratiti. Izgleda da su pregoreli živeći tamo, kao i mnogi koji su se odselili odavde.


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I don't know. 'Istina' was a good album, '8. Nervni Slom' had it's moments. 'Ujed Za Dusu' only had a couple of good songs and everything after that was average.


I just don't get the same feeling from those albums as I still do (20 years later) when I put on 'Pokvarena Masta i Prljave Strasti' or even 'Muzicari Koj Piju'. Well, I think we all know that 'Kost U Grlu' is an absolute classic.


Dzinder is a very profivient and techinical player, but Kojic was lyrical and Bajaga was a great songwriter (Dva Dinara Druze, Kad Hodas itd...itd...).


A big piece of Corba left when Kojic/Bajaga left. It makes me wonder why Milatovic/Aleksis didn't have more quality control?

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Meni lično, najkvalitetniji album je Koza Nostra.

Njihov jedini album sa stvarno dobrom produkcijom (Saša Habić) po uzoru na Electric od The Cult, i samo sa jednom priglupom pjesmom - 'Bejbi'.

(Dobro, Mrtva priroda je takođe imala jako dobru produkciju, ali to je totalno drugo vrijeme...)


Jebiga, druga je stvar što se Čorbina priča sa godinama pomjerala od ličnog ka kolektivnom, ali šaka pjesama na Kozi je stvarno prva liga, s tim da sem 'Gde si u ovom glupom hotelu' nema ultra hitova, ali meni su 'Deca', 'Milivoje Vatrogasac', 'Crna Gora, Bar' i posebno 'Žikica Jovanović Španac' (zbog stihova 'čitao sam da su vođe slepci' i 'vidiš valjda da je isto ropstvo i sloboda') užasno drage stvari.


Nakon toga, albumi su tu i tamo, svaki nosi po 2-3 odlične stvari, ali nijedan više od toga, a opet, meni je najzabavniji Ostalo je ćutanje. 'Deca cveća' mi je jedna od omiljenih njihovih stvari...

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Не знам баш. Ја сам сад преслушавао интензивно "Причу о љубави..." и албум је стварно сјајан. Уз "Истину" можда и најбољи. Јес' да нема много емотивних момената, али има супер песама.

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