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On August 3rd, King Diamond will release LP re-issues of 'In Concert 1987: Abigail', 'The Graveyard', and 'The Spider's Lullabye' via Metal Blade Records. These exclusive editions can be purchased now at https://www.metalblade.com/kingdiamond


"You can spiral yourself into darkness with these classic King Diamond albums, or you can exhibit them on your wall like I will. Either way, enjoy." - King Diamond

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Gospodo dajte malo ozbiljnosti, molim Vas. Nikada se ne bih usudio da neku pesmu proglašavam najboljom ikada, mislim kako jebeno odlučiti pored tolike istorije HEAVY METALA??


Ova stvar je meni npr jedno 16 puta bolja (mislim da samo na tom albumu ima bar 3-4 stvari bolje od Burn-a) https://youtu.be/3S-kHZ35A74


To mi zapravo nije ni Kingova najbolja stvar (ali ok to je već isuviše individualna stvar), a kamoli vascelog HM-a!

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Ne može čovek da bilo šta kaže a da se odmah ne naređa kuka i motika... Poenta je bila da se podeli sevdah u koji se upalo slušajući baš tu pesmu, a u takvim trenucima se obično koriste takve retardirane generalizacije "najbolja pesma svih vremena" i slično. Sloba je naravno bio dovoljno šlifovan da ukapira geg, pa smo malo zajedno onanisali, poslednje što nam je trebalo je da neko upadne u sobu dok traje onanija i krene da pametuje.

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Ne može čovek da bilo šta kaže a da se odmah ne naređa kuka i motika... Poenta je bila da se podeli sevdah u koji se upalo slušajući baš tu pesmu, a u takvim trenucima se obično koriste takve retardirane generalizacije "najbolja pesma svih vremena" i slično. Sloba je naravno bio dovoljno šlifovan da ukapira geg, pa smo malo zajedno onanisali, poslednje što nam je trebalo je da neko upadne u sobu dok traje onanija i krene da pametuje.


Pms? :P

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  • 2 months later...

Mislim da nema svrhe uopste raspravljati o Kingovim sposobnostima na bilo kom nivou, naravno da on zvuci najbolje u univerzumu.

Sad samo ostaje da se ceka, poceo je da potvrdjuje letnje festivale sto je apsolutna vest godine, za sad Belgija i Poljska. Cekamo dalje datume pa da se juri gde treba novo poklonjenje.

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  • 4 months later...

Oh, the next album's gonna be gruesome — absolutely gruesome. The storyline is… well, it's in a way where I can't even put it into just one album. So, it has to be over two albums. And it's really planned out to work in a very special way with the show as well. So the show is being built right now in Denmark and it's built around that story, so that it really can go hand in hand. Right now, I already know how the production will develop for the next tour, after this tour, so that when we do part two of that story, I know how the whole thing ends, of course, already, and I know how the production is gonna change and how it's gonna be culminating in one very, very big thing. So it's a long project, several years. Actually, the next three years are gonna be very, very intense for us. There is a lot of things that is in the planning. Also, after we signed up with 5B [artist] management, a lot of good stuff is coming out of that, piece by piece. We are getting a plan that is gonna be amazing for our fans for the next three years — something that's gonna come that they would not expect, I think. So some very, very cool prospects.


Stizu albumi decenije.  Zalim sve crve koji se usude da postoje kad ovo bude izlazilo.

Edited by Grobodan

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