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Pink Floyd


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....i neće posle mentallice doći u bg jeR se gilmour toliko usvinjio da su mu prsti u toJ meri udebljani da ne može da svira gitaru....

icon_confused.gif Pa nece Gilmour nigde svirati, a kamoli ovde icon_smile.gif .

Docice Waters, bre, u komsiluk, i to nek nam bude dosta icon_wink.gif .

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ma kakav waters niko bre od nj9ih više ne svira....

Waters ima turneje gotovo redovno. Svirao je 2000, 2002, i svirace sledece godine (98 %). Raspitaj se pa onda budi profi kvarisha icon_wink.gif (p.s. nemamo tonalitete na raspolaganju, tako da su smajliji neophodni pri svakoj izjavi koja se moze bez njih pogresno protumaciti).

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Wall

Rating: 2



How do I hate this album? Let me count the ways.

I hate it to the depth of its self-pity and breadth of its misanthropy and height of its pretension.

It sucks my soul, it depletes my attention

With its bleating ignorance of musical grace.

I hate it to the crepuscular ways

It gasps with need, unwarmed by any sun’s light.

I hate it freely, it plagues my sight.

I hate it purely, it resists all praise.

I hate it with the passion put to use

In Roger Waters’ old griefs, abusing my childhood's faith.

I hate it with the bile that runs so loose

In its unfocused track. I hate it with the croaking breath,

Gloppy solos, dragging tempos; and, if God choose,

I shall but hate it more after I go deaf.



But "Another Brick in the Wall" sure is catchy.


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It was no use. I simply could not concentrate on the hypnotic sounds of her circular face (replete with pink bow) devouring a feast of tiny pixellated dots with Pink Floyd blaring over the loudspeakers. This is the fourth time in a row I've come to the Atwood center with my friends to shoot pool and reclaim the high score on Ms Pac Man where Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album was played in its entirety, and I was tired of it the first time it happened.


Let's get the record straight: Pink Floyd had less than five good songs in their entire career. They were a crappy band. Hell, even the Grateful Dead had a couple decent albums. Pink Floyd just plain blows in every facet of the term. They are crap. They suck. I hate them. I hate Pink Floyd.


I hate Pink Floyd.


[ATTN PINK FLOYD FANS: Don't write me mail telling me my opinion on this band is in any way unfair, misinformed, or wrong. Go get high or something and leave me alone.]


So what is it about this group that appeals to damn near every student here at St Cloud State University? I know it can't just be a college thing, because all of my roommates and several of my other friends are students at miscellaneous institutes of higher learning, and none of them like Pink Floyd at all. And I, while not a student myself, am in the right age bracket and live in the same community as these people, and I goddamn hate them. HATE. But I swear, we come here all the time, to the recreation center or whatever the hell you wanna call it, on campus to shoot pool, bowl, etc, and EVERY TIME they play Pink Floyd (also, Sublime and Nirvana, two more bands I quite violently dislike).


Now, I've been trying to figure out why this is. It can't be because they were good at all, because obviously they weren't. And it couldn't be because they were in any way innovative, because Peter Gabriel had already done Pink Floyd's entire career for them by the time he left Genesis (except, you know, he was good) in the late 60's and very early 70's. I can only assume that it's because Pink Floyd did drugs and played music that sounded like a drug induced side effect. Cuz, like, uh, drugs are like, uh, cool, dude.


If this is the case, then shame is upon them and all of their kin. I want you to find these damn druggy music fans and introduce them to the following bands:


Blue Meanies

Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers

Dillinger Escape Plan


Les Savy Fav

Iggy Pop and the Stooges

New York Dolls



There. We've got bands on drugs, bands who sang about drugs, and really weird bands who sound like they were on drugs though I'm pretty sure they weren't. Now you have absolutely no excuse but burn all that Pink Floyd crap out on the front lawn of you dorm. And maybe quit drinking so much, that's really bad. Oh yeah, and turn your goddamn bass down, I'm trying to get some sleep in here.


P.S. It's still okay to read Hunter S Thompson. He ruled.


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And it couldn't be because they were in any way innovative, because Peter Gabriel had already done Pink Floyd's entire career for them by the time he left Genesis (except, you know, he was good) in the late 60's and very early 70's. I can only assume that it's because Pink Floyd did drugs and played music that sounded like a drug induced side effect. Cuz, like, uh, drugs are like, uh, cool, dude.



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Guest slayer1

Chudi me da niko nije spomenuo jedan koncert 1977 kada je Roger Waters pljunuo jednog lika dok su svirali pigs(three different ones). Waters se drao kao kreten "Come on pig, it's all forgiven, come here boy" i kada je decko krenuo da se penje ... paf, shlajmara. Inace zbog ovog incidenta Waters je napisao "The Wall". Tako sam barem procitao.

Edited by slayer1

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Chudi me da niko nije spomenuo jedan koncert 1977 kada je Roger Waters pljunuo jednog lika dok su svirali pigs(three different ones). Waters se drao kao kreten "Come on pig, it's all forgiven, come here boy" i kada je decko krenuo da se penje ... paf, shlajmara. Inace zbog ovog incidenta Waters je napisao "The Wall". Tako sam barem procitao.

Navodno je to jedina stvar koju bi Waters povukao iz svog dosadasnjeg zivota, kaje se jako, je li icon_smile.gif.

Jes bedak icon_smile.gif.

Edited by Council A

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to je zanimljivo stvarno ali ja sam pre neki dan slusao dark side sa lp-a i zakljucio da je any colour you like jeziva stvar,a da ne pricam o ostalima!Jedan od najboljih mada po meni najbolji album ne racunajuci live albume!

Po meni je Dark Side, iako, naravno, bolji od milion albuma drugih izvodjaca, u PF diskografiji-precenjen. Tolika buka, a od njega ima i boljih..

Prvi nesto komercijalniji produkt Floyda postao je album sa najduzim stazom ikada na Bilbordovoj listi najprodavanijih albuma..Plus mu je svakako kvadrofonski (pionirski icon_biggrin.gif ) zvuk (koji jos nisam uspela da proverim icon_sad.gif ), i naravno da je odlican..no..


Wish You Were Here icon_biggrin.gif

Animals icon_biggrin.gif ..

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Hej ljudi, da li mozda neko od vas slucajno ima neobjavljeni video materijal za Hey You *trebalo bit' na filmu ali nije*... Ja sam nasao neki jadan RM snimak ali nista se ne vidi. I da li mozda neko slucajno ima The Other Side of the Wall video materijal... Ako ima, neka mi se javi, i ja imam mnogo zanimljivih naslova.. I video i audio... Btw. takodje me zanima Syd Barrett - HYGIY... Ajd pa mi se javite na priv.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Wall Pink Floyda postaje broadwayski mjuzikl

Najambiciozniji projekt Pink Floyda The Wall koji je zamišljen kao dvostruki konceptualni album o otuđenju i gubljenju razuma pod utjecajem slave, a je zatim prebačen i na filmsko platno, mogao bi ovih dana dobiti svoju Broadwaysku verziju. Bendov basist i kreativni motor iza The Wall, Roger Waters napisat će orkestralne aranžmane za ovu verziju. Waters je zadržao prava na The Wall iako je napustio bend sredinom osamdesetih. Producenti ovog projekta, nekadašnji šef Sonya Thomas Mottle i filmski producent Harvey Weinstein nadaju se upoznati nove generacije s The Wallom (a pritom valjda i nešto zaraditi na staroj slavi).



* izvorni izvor icon_smile.gif - http://glazba.monitor.hr

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Guest slayer1

Nikada nisam razumeo onaj deo filma The Wall kada Pink postaje nacistichki vodja. Da li on to sve tripuje ili se to stvarno deshava. Cisto ako neko zna neka razreshi misteriju

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