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Ma, šta god da snime ima da rula jer ti ljudi ne mogu da omanu nikako. Za sve ove godine sigurno im se nakupilo gomila dobrih ideja koje će sada lepo da bace na papir. Inače, kao što je poznato sva tri Atheist albuma su odlična na svoj način i medjusobno se razlikuju tako da očekujem da će i ovaj novi biti drugačiji od svih prethodnih ali da će zadržati njihov prepouznatiljiv stil i šarm.


Jedino se nadam da neće da prenabudže produkciju i da neće da preteruju sa studijsko-kompjutersko-vokalnim efektima pa da zvuče ko neki moderni švedski melo-death album.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vocalist Kelly Shaefer of the reactivated seminal technical metal pioneers ATHEIST has issued the following update:


"On the new ATHEIST record we are going to record a blazing cover of the brilliant 'YYZ' from RUSH. As you all know, we have long been fans of RUSH, and we know this cover is a bit outside the box of what most metal bands do, but then again as a band we are very outside the box of what most metal bands do. And I can confirm that it will fucking destroy, and when people hear [steve] Flynn's [drums] version of this tune. He renders me speechless. He has always claimed Neil Peart as a major influence, and so it makes perfect sense to cover this amazing piece of music. I thought I would share that with you, along with the fact that we are working hard on compiling the riffs that will soon set the technical metal world on their asses. We will not rest till we have made the record that we and you all hope for when listening to technical metal, it will be a punishing, brutal display of all we have to give... Rest assured there will not be one stitch of vaginal metal on this motherfucker! And then in 2009 were coming for your brains fuckers! Horns to the motherfucking sky! ATHEIST 2009!"




:daaaaa..ziv ti sve, jedva chekam ovo da chujem..

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snimaju novi album, prvo pestilence, pa cynic sad atheist, neka neka...da pokaze svim ovim dosadnim tech bendovima novim kako se to sranje radi.

Cuo sam da i Death snimaju novi album! :rockdevil:

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  • 5 months later...
snimaju novi album, prvo pestilence, pa cynic sad atheist, neka neka...da pokaze svim ovim dosadnim tech bendovima novim kako se to sranje radi.

Хоћу Nocturnus! Морам да набедим Бејтмана да исцима оног Браунинга да нешто раде.

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jbg, kad je taj neki tech death sad in u americi, sto da se pionir ne pojave i malo zelenog uzmu ako mogu.


tesko da ce athiest i pestilence izdati remek delo kao cynic, ali nece ni da skodi da cujemo kako majstori rade, jer su meni realno, svi ovi novi klinci mnogo sterilni i dosadni, generalno.

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naravno. zato je i Cynic uspeo dobar album da snimi, jer nisu pokusavali da odsviraju Focus opet. Opustili se i napravili dobru muziku bez pritiska da lici na taj kultni album.


A ovi cim najjavljuju novi "Elements" ili novi "Testimony of the Ancients" to je osudjeno na propasti.


mozad ne propast, ali nece moci da ponove te albume, to je cinjenica.

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Ispasti ce jedna velika nula, kao i novi Pestilence. Stari Nocturnus bi mogao da napravi nesto dobro u danasnjem vremenu.


Jedina dva benda iz zlatne ere koja su uspjela izbaciti novi materijal koji ne zaostaje za starijim albumima su Asphyx i Autopsy, iako su demo izdanja, vjerujem da ce i albumi biti u istom fazonu.


Van Drunen i Reifert furaju isti fazon 25 godina, Patrick i Shaefer su odavno zalutali, tako da te cinjenice po meni objasnjavaju novonastalu situaciju :)

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ja cenim da ce novi atheist da bude dobar.

sigurno nece biti bolji od ijednog od prethodna 3 remek-dela, ali mislim da mogu da urade neshto dobro. verovatno cu biti zadovoljan i ako bude elements 2. josh nisam chuo loshu pesmu atheista, pa se nadam da necu i na novom albumu.

malo sumnjam u nove gitariste, al' ajd' sad...

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Pre neki dan gledao na youtube-u snimak sa certa, nešto skorijeg. I sad kao Tony Choy solo. Neko jurenje po gitari, još napucao nekakav overdrajv, šta ti ja znam.....super brzo ali potpuno besmisleno, em se još jedva čuje. Posle se izvadio slapom i "proverenim" tappingom. Ali mi je raspoloženje ostalo u kurcu.Gde je bre nestao čovek koji je snimio Testimony i Elements :confused: Mislim baš sam se razočarao. Kleo sam se u njega skoro pa deset godina. Bezveze....

Kontam da će sada pola Yuma hteti da me kamenuje ali jebiga.

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imam taj koncert (tj. nastup sa wacken-a 2006). taj bass solo i nije toliko losh, ali problem je shto se slabo chuje. moglo je bolje da ispadne.

a ceo nastup je sasvim dobar, mada malo kratak. razvalishe and the psychic saw i piece of time.

sasvim dobar?????? TAJ KONCERT UBIJA!!!TJ. BEND UBIJA!!!!:)


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  • 3 weeks later...


" Were doing a cover of YYZ on the new Atheist record we are going to record a blazing cover of the brilliant YYZ from Rush, as you all know we have long been fans of rush, and we know this cover is a bit outside the box of what most metal bands do, but then again as a band we are very outside the box of what most metal bands do. And i can confirm that it will fucking destroy, and when people hear Flynn's version of this tune....He renders me speechless, he has always claimed Neil Peart as a major influence, and so it makes perfect sense to cover this amazing piece of music. i thought I would share that with you, along with the fact that we are working hard on compiling the riffs that will soon set the technical metal world on their asses. We will not rest till we have made the record that we and you all hope for when listening to technical metal, it will be a punishing, brutal display of all we have to give..... rest assured there will not be one stitch of vaginal metal on this motherfucker! and then in 2009 were coming for your brains fuckers! Horns to the motherfucking sky! Atheist 2009!"

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atheist meets rush :veseli: bas me zanima kako ce yyz da zvuci u njihovoj verziji, mada instrumental je u pitanju ne mogu mnogo da zajebu

mada, malo me ovo i plasi, ali verujem da majstorski to da odrade a ocekujem i dobar album, sad da li ce da bude u rangu elements/unquestionable presence ne znam, ali ocekujem odlican album koji cu slusati duze vremena...

Edited by Uruk Hai

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