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Humor (bez YUTUB linkova!)

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(717): i just ate something from under my fingernail. i dont know what it was, but it tasted half decent



Bash.org ? Potencijalno, ali jos je "mlad" sajt pa im mala arhiva.

Ispravljam se, bash.org je nenadje*iv :D

kad se setim onog lika sto se usr'o dok je spavao s one night stand-om... brrr :)

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Rodi se dete, i cim je izaslo iz stomaka rece: -Dajte mi kompjuter, moram da pisem programe. Vide doktori da je dete inteligentno, i izvade mu pola mozga. Dete se osvesti i rece: -Dajte mi digitron, moram da racunam... I doktori mu izvade i drugu polovinu mozga, i cim se dete osvestilo rece: -Sta je, sta me gledate picke? Vadite bre licne karte!

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Saga of Bloodninja


Bloodninja: Wanna cyber?

MommyMelissa: Sure, you into vegetables?

Bloodninja: What like gardening an s**t?

MommyMelissa: Yeah, something like that.

Bloodninja: Nuthin turns me on more, check this out

Bloodninja: You bend over to harvest your radishes.


MommyMelissa: is that it?

Bloodninja: You water your tomato patch.

Bloodninja: Are you ready for my fresh produce?

MommyMelissa: I was thinking of like, sexual acts INVOLVING vegetables... Can you make it a little more sexy for me?


Bloodninja: I touch you on your lettuce, you massage my spinach... Sexily.

Bloodninja: I ride your buttocks, like they were amber waves of grains.

MommyMelissa: Grain doesn't really turn me on... I was thinking more along the lines of carrots and zucchinis.

Bloodninja: my zucchinis carresses your carrots.

Bloodninja: Damn baby your right, this s**t is HOT.

MommyMelissa: ...

Bloodninja: My turnips listen for the soft cry of your love. My insides turn to celery as I unleash my warm and sticky cauliflower of love.

MommyMelissa: What the f**k is this madlibs? I'm outta here.

Bloodninja: Yah, well I already unleashed my cauliflower, all over your olives, and up in your eyes. Now you can't see. B**ch.

MommyMelissa: whatever.

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I.F.: My s**t is hard you ready to jump aboard?

1hOttYeVe: oh yea im so wet right now

I.F.: Why you just shower?

1hOttYeVe: no im wet for you

I.F.: Did you ever play with supersoakers when you were a kid? or that gator s**t you would dive and slide down, there was that badass pool at the end of it.

1hOttYeVe: What the f**k are you talking about? You wanna cyber or not?

I.F.: I do! Sorry...I just didnt know why you were wet...then you say your wet for me, and im thinking I didnt even throw water on you...

I.F.: Im sorry lets continue!

1hOttYeVe: alright then...I walk over to you and start kissing your neck and chest

I.F.: I pop like 16 boners

1hOttYeVe: what the f**k!

I.F.: what?



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bash.org copypaste:


<born1986> why the fuck isn't my disc drive working

<born1986> i fucking worked on that essay for three friggin' hours in school

<born1986> i now i cant finish it 'cos my fuckin drive ain't working

<Z00ass> you got the right drivers?

<born1986> hell yes

<born1986> it was working fine yesterday

<born1986> why does this shit always happen to me?

<Z00ass> maybe that little clip on the side is i nthe wrong position

<born1986> i havent touched it since school

<born1986> i'm growing impatient

<born1986> ANGRY even

<Z00ass> throw that shit out tha window


. . .


<born1986> OMG i fuckin did it!!!

<born1986> FUCK!!!!!

<Z00ass> it works?

<born1986> no, i threw it out the window

<Z00ass> the disk?

<born1986> NO the whole drive

<born1986> i live on the 6th floor, made a nice *smash*


<born1986> FUCK SHIT FUCK


<born1986> brb


. . .


<born1986> shit

<Z00ass> what? did ya break it?

<born1986> well i couldn't open the drive

<born1986> so i had to pound it against a rock


<born1986> quite HARD

<born1986> and you know what?

<born1986> that fucking disk wasnt even there

<Z00ass> ???

<born1986> i got so mad i threw the remaiders of the drive on to the freeway

<born1986> and when i got back upstairs i foud the disk inside my bag

<Z00ass> lol


<born1986> i'm actually cryin right now


. . .


<born1986> wonder if i could make that drive work again

<born1986> brb



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Зашто се недељом не играју мечеви на Вимблдону?

Зато што је тај дан резервисан за Чака Нориса који игра егзибициони дубл меч против самог себе.

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Učiteljica predstavlja novog učenika Hakira Suzukija iz Japana.

Počinje sat i nastavnica ispituje:"Sada ćemo vidjeti koliko poznajete američku povijest. Tko je rekao "Slobodu ili smrt?"

Odjednom tišina i samo Suzuki digne ruku:"Patrick Henry godine 1775. u Philadelphii"

"Vrlo dobro Suzuki. A tko je rekao: "Država je narod i kao takva nesmije nikada umrijeti?"

Suzuki ustane: "Abraham Lincoln, 1863. u Washingtonu."

Nastavnica strogo pogleda učenike pa reče: "Sramite se! Suzuki je Japanac pa poznaje američku povijest bolje od vas."

Tihi glas iz kraja razreda: "Jebite se, posrani Japanci!"

"Ko je to rekao?", vikne učiteljica.Suzuki digne ruku i reče: "General MacArthur, 1942. na Guadalcanalu, i Lee Iacocca 1982. na skupštini dioničara Chryslera, Detroit."

Razred je u tišini - samo se iz pozadine čuje: "Puši kurac!"

Učiteljica sva izvan sebe: "Sad je kraj. Tko je to rekao?"

Suzuki:"Bill Clinton Monici Levinsky, Oval office, 1997. u Washingtonu."

Drugi učenik se prodere: "Suzuki je govno!"

Suzuki: "Valentino Rossi u Rio de Janeiru na moto Grand-Prix Brazila2002."

Razred pada u histeriju, učiteljica u nesvijest, a na vrata ulazi ravnatelj škole:"U pičku materinu, još nikad nisam vidio takav kaos."

Suzuki: "Premijer Hrvatske, ministru financija prilikom predstavljanja državnog proračuna, Zagreb, 2009."

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Је л' мораш увек на свакој теми да оставиш своје цењено мишљење? :udri:



Zasto da ne upropasti dobar vic kad vec moze? On je to vec citao, i to je bitno.


Pa kad znam za njega od pre dve godine, a nastao je pre 6-7. Niste otkrili Ameriku s tim vicom.

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