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boba mi poslao ove juce, do jaja su.


tekstovi lovecraft worship, muzika nit oldschool nit ultra moderno, bas onako tamanica. dobra atmosfera, cini mi se i klavijature da imaju. dosta interesantan album.



taj soreption, gledao sam neki studio report. nisam skoro video preciznijeg gitaristu, ali mi je ova pesma prilicno sranje.


gomilu ovih death metal bendova novih kao da se uopste ne trude da naprave pamtljive vokale. nego kao muzika nek cepa ovaj moze da se dere kako hoce, cisto da imamo vokale.


a i muzika je djene djene. ponekad zvuci kao stari decapitated ali bez interesantne atmosfere, a ovaj sympho break u sredini je bio presmesan. kao da su hteli da urade nesto kao sto je SoP uradio na Incurso ali im nije uspelo ni najmanje.

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“There Is A Color”: new DEPHOSPHORUS track downloadable now!

“There Is A Color”, an excerpt from our 2nd full-length album “Ravenous Solemnity” due out in late January 2014 by 7 Degrees Records and Handshake Inc., is downloadable right now as part of Invisible Oranges’ Handshake Inc./Alternative Tentacles/Mutants Of The Monster Sampler. The sampler also includes a brand new track from label mates and grind heroes Gridlink, as well as other great bands such as Wake, Total Fucking Destruction, Rwake, etc.

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