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Fizicari jos uvek ne znaju kako tacno radi bicikl



The first mathematical analysis of bicycles suggested that this is also what keeps a moving bike on its wheels. But although the equations were written down in 1910, physicists always had nagging doubts about whether this was the whole story.


The most definitive analysis came exactly a century later. It involved an experimental bicycle that had all its gyroscopic effects cancelled out by a system of counter-rotating wheels. The effort of building such a strange contraption was worth it: the resulting paper was published the prestigious journal Science.


The publication plunged bicycle dynamics back into chaos...

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Archaeologist Tim Murray wrote in his review of Forbidden Archeology: "I have no doubt that there will be some who will read this book and profit from it. Certainly it provides the historian of archeology with a useful compendium of case studies in the history and sociology of scientific knowledge, which can be used to foster debate within archaeology about how to describe the epistemology of one's discipline." He also commented on the similarities in argument with those of Christian Creationists: "This is a piece of ‘Creation Science’ which, while not based on the need to promote a Christian alternative, manifests many of the same types of argument: first, an attempt to characterize the opposition as motivated by the need to preserve their view of the world rather than a desire to practice unfettered inquiry; secondly, to explain the currently marginal position of your alternative as being the result of prejudice, conspiracy and manipulation rather than of any fault of the theory itself; thirdly, to present the opposition (in this case mainstream palaeoanthropology and quarternary [sic] archaeology) as being united as a ‘secret college’ to manipulate the public mind and to exclude non-professionals from being able to control science for the benefit of all."


Ne znam da li ste gledali, ali u tom dokumentarcu, cini mi se da su ga nazvali Mysterious Origins of Man, su iznesene svakojake neverovatne informacije, i primetio sam da mnogi ljudi automatski poveruju cim tako nesto cuju od cice koji izgleda inteligentno i govori elegantnim akcentom. Otprilike ceo dokumentarac je zasnovan na knjizi koju je prokomentarisao eto ovaj arheolog, na nacin koji sumira otprilike celu kvazi nauku.

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Archaeologist Tim Murray wrote in his review of Forbidden Archeology:...


bio je taj Majkl Krimo (pisac) pre 5-6 godina na hrt-u ('na rubu znanosti'), secam se kako mi je bilo neugodno da gledam to, autoru emisije je kapala blamaza s lica sto ga je pozvao, fail je bio evidentan.

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btw ako neko ima kakav materijal o tako tim morskim grdosijama, "čudovištima", monstruoznim ulovima od pre nekoliko vekova i sličnim stvarima, neka udeli


пробај са овим:








и, наравно, cracked.com као један од најготивнијих сајтова икада: http://www.cracked.com/article_19967_10-real-sea-creatures-lifted-directly-from-your-nightmares.html

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uzmi lijepo cetologiju na wikipediji,kud ces bolje od toga.


edit: ili lijepo obrni jos jednom mobi dika ili 20 hiljada milja pod morem,sigurno imas dostupne te knjige u blizini.

Edited by BLAGOJE

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